6 - "Say Amen (Saturday Night)"

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My eyes were open wide as I surveyed the crowd in front of me. This place was swarming, and yet none of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents noticed me. The perks of being a child: it makes missions easier. I'd infiltrated four of their offices in just under a week; a new record.

The Avengers tower was really an architectural marvel, but also an incredibly easy target. 'Why has no one ever tried to attack the building with their name in the sky? They're the Avengers, not gods. Well, not all of them at least. Okay, run through the plan one last time. Get into the tower, film a video of myself, and then hack into all live news feeds and broadcast my message, and when they try to trace it they'll see I'm inside. While they freak out during the broadcast and consequential tracing, I steal some weapons. Don't need to avoid cameras, as I want to be seen. But what about the AI, J.A.R.V.I.S.? I could hack into it, given time, which I don't have. Ah, screw it. Just get into the building.'

I scanned my eyes, looking for the best entry point. With the recent annexation of a seemingly normal office, and with a mystery woman on the run, the press was everywhere. Perfect. I created a disguise for myself: my natural hair, tied into a tight bun, some makeup to distort my face shape, a pair of glasses, and a press pass, with fake documentation of an exclusive report from Stark himself. 

Then I simply walked into the building, through the security checks, and showed a guard my pass and form. He led me to an elevator, and up we went to the top floor, right into the belly of the beast. The doors opened to reveal an open floor plan, a den, kitchen, and dining room. I was shown into an office-type of room, where I was told to wait. I grabbed the guard's hand and said, "thank you, but I think I'm just going to roam around." I erased his memory of me and walked out, hiding around the corner as he snapped out of his daze.

"Why am I here?" He muttered as he turned on his heel and went back down the elevator.

I snuck around, looking for a good recording spot. No one was around, from what I could tell, but I kept on my toes. I wandered until I found what looked like a workshop; more specifically, Stark's workshop. Perfect, I thought as I walked in. And there's already a camera, probably for recording his little experiments. I pressed recording and started speaking as I looked at the selection of prototypes and weapons strewn all around the room.

"Hello, Avengers. Nice tower you have, even if it is a little gaudy. Oh! We met yesterday, by the way. You visited my home, so I thought I'd return the favor. I must say, it was easier than I thought. Shame. I was hoping for some fun." I picked up what looked like a painstakingly constructed mechanic. "This looks cool." I smashed it on the ground, smiling at the sound it made as it broke into pieces. "I think it looks better like that, don't you think? But onto the point of all this. Avengers, this is my promise to you. I'm going to tear down your empire, your rein, simply because I can. No motive, like revenge or world domination, but simply because I'm bored. And a bored killer is more dangerous than a fool bent on revenge, because my steps are calculated. But that's all to come. See you soon, sweets!" I blew a kiss at the camera, stopping the video as I stuffed all of the weapons I grabbed into a bag I found. I took a simple tablet from my bag, nothing special, and began to hack into live feeds all over the world, the green words speeding past as my hands flew over the screen. Satisfied, I strolled out of the room with grace, even skipping a little bit. 

'Shit,'  was all I heard before the sound of glass shattering. I pulled one of the guns I grabbed from my bag, crouching low to the ground as I looked for the source of the sound. I was soon answered when I heard Stark say, "Friday, turn on the television." The large, flat-screen TV in the den flickered on, my message playing quietly. He sat down on the couch, his hands laced together under his chin as he watched. When it began to play again, he said, "Friday, do we know where the source is?" I presumed his question was answered when he jumped up and screamed "the tower!" He ran a hand through his hair and said, "J.A.R.V.I.S., scan for intruders."

"No need to, Stark." I said, standing up and looking him dead in the eyes. "Odd bumping into you again."

"You again. You almost killed me." He raised an arm, threatening to hit me with a beam. I raised my gun in response.

"I would never." I said, my voice teaming with mock innocence. "And you were fine. Falcon was there." 

"Friday, tell the others I found the girl." He said, lowering his arm. I kept my pistol pointed at him. "Tell them to block all exits to the tower." Then he turned to me, taking a step forward. "This can end peacefully."

I smiled. "No." 

I fired three shots, then ran towards him, ducking under a repulsor blast. I made sure to keep my distance from him, making a wide berth as I picked my way to the stairwell. I stopped when I saw Black Widow in the door, quickly running through my options. An idea popped into my head; not a very smart idea, but my best choice. I turned back towards the window Iron Man crashed through earlier and hurled myself through the opening, free falling. 

"She jumped out of the window!" I heard him yell, jumping out after me. 

Please tell me I was right, I thought as I took what I had earlier identified as a grappling hook, and fired it at the side of the building. It faltered, making my heart drop, until the claw fired out and dug itself into the concrete of the building. The line went taut and nearly pulled my arm out of its socket, but I held on. My momentum instead carried my body back towards the building. I fired a few shots at another window before I crashed through it, rolling over thousands of tiny shards of glass that bit into my arms as I pushed myself up. I turned and was about to run when I was met face-to-face with a gun pointed right between my eyes.


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