part 5

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Attention!! pro heroes hawks and rose found dead, they were not able to fight the villains off. Their bodys were found this morning in eachothers arms.

Attention!! pro heroes hawks and rose found dead

Attention!! pro heroes hawks and rose found dead

The newscaster voice echoed throughout your head, you felt your world come crashing down.

You shot out of bed, your breathing fast and uneasy

"y/n y/n calm down, im here" you looked over seeing your sister, "Ro" you said hugging her.

"You're discharged," the doctor said, walking out. Your sister came over to you helping you up, "you have to go back to school in 2 days so you better get used to your leg".

"The UA sports festival is in one week. I know thighs are a lot right now but the festival is how you will be discovered by agencies so be on your A game, you will have a partner to train with until then".

You looked at the pair bord seeing you were paired with midoriya for the week.

"So we can walk to my house together right" you say walking to Izuku "yeah" you go to walk out but there's a group of kids blocking the door. They start talking about something you just barrel your way through and leave the school before there's confrontation. Izuku soon followed behind you.

You walked to your house together. "So are you all healed from the attack" you ask breaking the silence "yep, you?" he asked "pretty much". It was really scary like my first real encounter with villains. And now i have metal in my leg but we're alive"

"You really saved me back there i never thanked you. So thank you because of me you got your leg crushed but you saved me from turning into dust". He said smiling.

"It's no big deal you would do the same for me" you said lighty blushing.

When the both of you got to your house you both quiqly ran outside together. And got into ready positions. You instely took fight and kicked him in the stomach. He fell back, he got back up and tried to grab your leg. You flew up intime to get away from his grasp.

He jumped up and kicked you in the back knocking you down to the ground. On the ground you swung your leg kicking his out from under him.

It continued that way until nightfall, both of you were exhausted you fell to the ground. Sighing in relief you stare at the sky. Izuku lays down next to you, "what are we staring at"? He asked. "Just the sky, I like looking at the stars I hope my parents are doing well in them looking over me"

After a pause just talking in the site you say "I love looking at the stars. It's like just the thought of the endless galaxy and being so small in the whole scheme of things. It's terrifying but therapeutic at the same time. Again wow I'm sorry, you're just so easy to talk to".

"No no I get it, looking at the stars was the only thing that kept me sane when Kacchan was bullying me". He said tracing the constellations with his finger. "About that why does he call you Deku"? you ask "Oh well he says it as a way to degrade me and basically say I'm useless"

"You know what would piss the asshole off, if you turned that name into the name of a hero like reclaiming it". You said looking over to him "Your right, that's a really good idea".

"We should go inside. It's getting pretty cold," you say, offering him a hand. He took your hand and you headed inside.

"Well I should get going" he said walking towards the door. "Ok well talking to you was nice, I hope to do that again you're really easy to talk to you know" you say. You too, thank you for having me over'' he said walking out"

You ran after him "hay Deku what's your number, you know so we can plan the next time to train". "Oh ya" he says blushing. you hand him your phone and he types his number in.

"Also do you want me to call you Izuku or Deku?" you ask, rubbing the back of your neck "you know what, Deku you're right I should reclaim it". "Ok bye Deku" you say looking at the sky again "bye y/n" he says walking away.

A/n sorry this chapter is short I just thought it was cute. Next chapter is the sports festival. I have a bit of a schedule posting every other day but I will not be posting on Christmas. So happy holidays I hope you have a great day.

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