part 13

469 13 5

Later that night you and the group went back to the hospital the class and teachers were at, when you got to the hospital the nurses and doctors were frantically looking for deku and the others.

When they saw you they immediately called Aizawa, and the nurse took Ray to examine her. Aizawa ran outside bandages covering his arms and legs. He ran to you and Bakugo. "y/n, bakugo I'm glad you're ok" he said hugging the both of you.

You walk inside the hospital getting rushed to a room to check out your injuries. You had to get a few stitches on your legs but other than that you were ok.

The doctor left your hospital room, and opened the door letting your sister in.

She ran to you, you got up and where immediately engulfed in a hug. "I was scared out of my mind, I have not gotten any sleep in 2 days". She said in tears. You started crying "Roku I love you so much, I have so much to tell you"

You both sat down on your hospital bed, it was about 2 in the morning after you finished explaining what happened you didn't want to tell her about ray yet. She looked at you confused "mom is alive all these years? Why didn't she tell us? Why did she make us hurt all these years?" Ro askes.

"She didn't want us to get hurt, or be disappointed in her" you say

"Why did she have them kidnap you to traumatize you or something" she says

"About that" you passed "we have a sister, mom had a kid with one of the villains and she didn't want the kid to become one of them so she gave her to us. After she was caught giving her to me her boyfriend killed her"

"So we have a sister now who we have to raise and mom is definitely dead"

"Yes" you say looking at her still crying.

There was a moment of silence, "can I see her" your sister asks "ok I think she's with the other babies. They took her from me to get checked into the hospital" you say.

The both of you walk out of your room and go to the nursery to look at the babies, when there you see ray in one of the bassinets you point her out and Ro starts crying. "That's our sister" she says a slight smile on her face

You go back up to your room physically and emotionally exhausted you pass out. You wake up to a nurse saying "Mrs Takami, there someone here to see you" You look up and see Mina.

"Mina" you say starting to cry, you sit up in your bed and she comes running to you "Y/N I WAS SO SCARED, I THOUGHT I LOST YOU I THOUGHT THE WORST. I WASN'T ABLE TO SAVE YOU I WASN'T ABLE TO PROTECT YOU AND YOU GOT HURT. Y/N I LOVE, YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME GOD DAMMIT" she said sobbing


You both hugged just crying in eachothers arms. After a while you calmed down.

You started telling her about your mom and Ray and everything that happened.

She looked at you in disbelief "your mom was alive but died again? And now you have a sister?" she says confused "that about sums it up"

There's a knock on the door and the whole class was in your hotel room "Y/N YOUR SAFE" they all yell. Denki and Sero run to you and hug you.

After everyone reunited with you Roku comes into your hospital room "y/n we can leave now so get your stuff and let's go home"

You were finally home. You drove up to your big house seeing the Takami name plate on the door almost brought you to tears. For a second you were scared you were never gonna see it again.

You carried Ray into her new home "Ray this is where you live now your gonna be safe" you say to her

You lay on your bed remembering the comfort of your room. You scroll mindlessly on your phone until you hear your name called downstairs.

You walk downstairs and see Aizawa and All Might. You want to walk back up but you stop yourself. You sit down at the table next to your sister across from Aizawa and all might.

"We would like to get y/n in a dorm room on campus so heroes can protect her and the other students at all times". Aizawa said

"I just got her back and now you want to take her from me again. I feel like it's a bad idea to put her in a dorm with the rest of the class. That world just make it so the villains could get to them all in one place." Roku says

"Heroes would be there at all times to keep them safe" all might cuts on.

"Heroes were at the training camp too and y/n still got kidnaped". Roku says looking extremely intimidating.

"We're sorry y/n will be safe from now on we will not let anything happen to her again I promise" Aizawa says.

Ray starts crying, you get up and pick her up going back to the table when you get back your sister, All Might, and Aizawa were just awkwardly looking at each other.

Your sister breaks the silence by saying "Ok when" "Tomorrow" Aizawa answers looking relieved she agreed "Ok then"

Aizawa and All Might leave, "y/n I really I don't want to let you go but I know I need too, so start packing the stuff you need. I will put Ray to sleep then come help you"

You go up to your room you didn't want to move into a dorm but you knew you had no choice.

You start packing all your things into boxes your sister brought up.

You go to sleep tied from packing all your things.

When you wake up you and Roku pack all your things into the car and drive to UA.

When you get there there are a ton of new buildings you find the one that says 1A, you walk in with your sister she helps you bring all your things into your room.

"Ok well this is it, you officially won't live with me for months" your sister says starting to cry. "I love you, I'll be safe" you say, hugging her. Eventually she leaves and you go down stairs to the rest of the class.

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