Part 2

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"get your lazy ass up, you have your first day of school in 4 years". you sister called into your room. "ok ok I'm up" you said getting out of bed. "Your uniform is in the closet" she said brushing her teeth "ok" you said walking to your closet. You opened the closet doors to be greeted by a regular looking school uniform, it had long sleeves and a short skirt like always. 'Fuck this, why do the skirts have to be so short' you thought to yourself putting it on.

"Ok I'm off" you called out to your sister. "Ok have a great day y/n, make friends for ones" she said waving you off.

You got to the gates of UA looking up and the tall building you felt smaller then you thought was humanly possible. Before you let yourself have a panic attack you take one big step in crossing the gates.

'I got this, i got this, i got this'. You thought to yourself beginning to hyperventilate. "Hay, are you ok, i'm really nervous too" a green haired boy said running up behind you. "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya" he said smiling. "I'm y/n Takami" You said uncomfortably. "Oh wow you must be Hawks child. I'm so sorry for your loss. Well what class are you in" he said changing the subject. "I'm in class 1A, the hero course" you said, still uncomfortable it's been a long time since you talked to anyone other than your sister. "oooooo same," he said, still smiling.

"You and Midoriya walked to class together, he made small talk and you just gave the most vague answers you could'' you finally made it to class after what felt like a lifetime. You both took a deep breath and walked in.

When you opened the door there was a cocky looking blond bitch with his feet on the table. "You're disrespecting this establishment" a blue haired boy yelled out. You walked to an empty set and sat down ignoring everything around you.

The next thing you knew the teacher came in to introduce himself. "We are doing a quirk evaluation, go get changed and meet me outside". you walk to the changing room. "Hi, I'm Mina, who are you, wanna be friends, like your wings". "I'm Y/n" "Cool wanna be friends i don't have any and you seem chill"

"Um ok" you were internally smiling. Let's go, she said taking your hand and dragging you out of the changing room. When you caught up with the rest of the class Aizawa your teacher was explaining what you were supposed to do.

We are doing a quark evaluation so perform these tasks to the best of your ability. The person who does the worst will be expelled. The class gasped but you couldn't care less.

The blond boy from before walked to an opening and threw a ball you weren't really paying attention until you got called to throw it. You walked up feeling everyone's eyes on you, it sent a shiver up your spine. You threw the ball and flapped your wings sending a burst of air to the ball sending it 100,000 meters.

You zoned out until the green haired boy walked up to throw the ball 'he broke his finger what kinda quirk is that he sent the ball 400,000 meters tho' you thought to yourself as you heard your name called. "y/n walk midoriya to recovery girl" Aizawa said "okie" you said walking to deku

"What kind of quirk is that it's so powerful but your finger" you said staring at his broken finger "yah" he chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't have much training with it but I hope one day it will be very powerful" he said smiling. "same when my parents died I stopped doing anything, I stopped training and I just gave up for a few years. But now i have a new chance. you said "omg i'm sorry i don't know why i told you that, um look we're here. You said blushing realizing you just poured your emotional baggage on him. "Oh no it's fine knowing your past makes you seem more human" he said walking into recovery girls office.

"Ok the results are in time to see who's getting expelled" you looked at the bord and saw you were in 10th place. Your heart dropped when you saw who was in last. Midoria, "it was just a joke, no one is getting expelled today" Aizawa said. You let out a breath of relief. You don't know why but the boy makes you happy. He's like a breath of fresh air.

"Come on sit with me,'' Mina said, pulling your arm dragging you into the cafeteria. You sat next to Mina, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero. They all made small talk and you just enjoyed their company. You would never show it, but being around people again made you happy.

"I'm home" you called out to your sister "hay y/n how was school" she said eager to hear about your first day "ok" you said running upstairs. "Where are you going" your sister called out "my room"

'Do I deserve to be happy? People actually want to be my friend. People aren't treating me like an outcast because of my parents and their death'. Thoughts spun around your head as You looked at all the scars on your arms thinking, do people actually like me.

a/n ok ima leave it here that took me 6 hours to finish because most of it was written in class but i hope you liked it and it want to cringy

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