part 7

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The first match was with Denki and Mina it went on for what felt like hours. Denki won because Minas acid started to burn her skin and Denki was able to push her out of the erina.

You were next up against sero, your first important fight. This will decide your future. You feel yourself start to panic. You stayed still in the stans with your class starting to freak out. you heard your name get called to go down to the arena.

You get up and start walking down the stars. You start freaking the fuck out, hyperventilating you feel like the stair case is getting longer and never ending.

"y/n" you hear deku call snapping you back into reality. "Deku I'm so scared what if I fail so many people are watching my sister is out there and not to mechon there's pros scouting out there". You say freaking out

"y/n its ok, you will win this, you're so powerful and so strong, those people watching are gonna be so blown away bye your power and skill you are so amazing go beat sero's ass" he said smiling slightly blushing.

"Deku did u just cuss" you say giggling he turned away blushing madly "your really good at pep talks thank you, in your words ima go beat his ass." you say calming down "you go i'm gonna be rooting for you"

Waiting to be called to leave the waiting room was torcherous, you were alone waiting to be called out so you can fight your friend in front of millions of people.

"Y/N TAKAMI" you heard presint mic yell. You walked out and saw the thousands of people in the stands. You wanted to walk back, to run, to hide. But deku and your sister kept you going.

You and sero got in ready positions. "GO" Sero immediately wrapped you in tape you burnt a feather breaking the tape. you took fight and tried to kick him in the stomach. He grabbed your leg and threw you to the ground. You got back up and flew behind him kicking him in the back he hit the ground with a loud thump.

He got back up and tried to send tape to your right wing but you dogged in time to run up to him and punch him in the face.

He sent tape to your wings again this time hitting one. You used the feathers the tape was attached to wrapping his own tape around him. You then pushed him out the arena.

"Y/N WINS" the crowd erupted with cheers.

You walk back up to the both the rest of the class was in. "You beat his ass" Deku said as you sat down. "I guess I did"


"It's your turn to go beat someone's ass" you said to him "I guess it is, farwell madam" he said giggling "goodbye my knight in shining armor " you say laughing.

He walks away to begin his fight, you sit down anxiously. "Does someone have a crush" Mina says leaning over to you "NO WHAT, I don't even know what you're talking about". You say blushing madly "Sure" she says raising a brow "me and deku are just friends" you say "doesn't look like it, I ship it" she said giggling "shut up"

You look down at deku and shinsos fight to see deku almost walking off the stage. All of a sudden he breaks his finger and runs to Shinso pushing him off the stage.

There were a few more fights you didn't really pay attention until your name was called.


'Fuck' you thought to yourself walking to the arena.

The next thing you knew you and deku were looking each other in the eyes.


You punched him, he sent a punch to your face you ducked and kicked his leg making him fall. When he was on the ground you flew up. He got back up, you kicked him in the back sending him forward a few feet. He activated his quirk and pushed you in the stomach sending you flying in the air. "Aww fuck" you mumbled feeling one of your ribs broken.

You used a lot of feathers setting them all on fire making a sort of fire wall. Pushing deku out. You pushed the burning feathers closer and closer to deku making him have to step farther and farther back.

You ran up to him not being able to fly anymore. You kicked him again pushing him off the arena stage.


After more fights and what felt like forever you were up again against Bakugo. You were so worn out after fighting all day.


Bakugo intently ran at you sending an explosion to you. You flew up. He used an explosion to propel himself up. He kicked you out of the air.

You ran at him hiding the fact that you were gathering feathers around you. The smoke from all his explosions made it so you gathered around 40 feathers all around you without him being able to see.

You ran at him and sent all your gathered feathers at him at once. He was sent back about 10 feet but acted unfazed. He then ran at you sending an explosion so powerful you were blown out of the arena.


You start to walk up the stairs but your vision gets blurry and you start to feel faint. You fall on your knees suddenly feeling a horrible pain in your stomach. "Y/N"!! you hear deku yell before passing out.

a/n hello to the 5 people who read this i hope your well sorry this chapter was a day late i was very unmotivated the rest of the story is gonna be really really good. also i didn't read over this chapter so sorry for typos oh and sorry for bad spelling in the whole story im very dyslexic

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