part 19

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a/n hello so this chapter is gonna be the last before the time skip. I have no clue how Dekus internship with night eye worked so this could be completely wrong bear with me.

Life at the dorms was getting easier and easier. Aizawa decided to allow students who wanted to the ability to shado heroes.

Deku decided to follow Miro and go to night eyes agency, you decided not to follow a hero meaning you stayed in the dorms with Mina and the other students who didn't go.

You hugged Deku "be safe, text me when you're free, I love you" you say.

Deku started to cry "it's only gonna be a few days at a time, i'll text you whenever I can"

"DEKU" you yelled excitedly when he got back, you both hugged each other.

Deku seemed off, low energy. "Well what happened, tell me everything"

He stayed silent

"Deku, what happened?" you ask seriously.

"Can we go to your dorm"? He paused "I'm not supposed to talk about it" he sounded scared.

The both of you walk up to your dorm, you open the door and sat down on your bed. He sits down next to you.

"so what" you ask.

"We were patrolling... and there was this girl. She was covered in bandages and asking for help. This man ran after her and he took her. We went after but things got weird, she got really scared and ran to him".

"We found out he's being watched by the government and is a really bad villain. We let that girl go with him".

"y/n if that girl gets hurt it's on me" he says looking at you scared.

"Don't worry I'm sure you can save her doing anything when you were unprepared could've made it worse" you say taking his hand.

Within the next week Deku had to leave again to save the girl, you hugged him "be safe and save that girl, I love you"

You anxiously waited, you were looked at the clock second felt like hours.

Through the day you were staring at the news waiting for the fight to be over.

After a few hours there was an explosion you saw Deku fly out of the explosion with a girl on his back, he looked hurt.

You were on the floor, tears falling down your cheeks. Mina ran into your room. "y/n" she said looking at you scared.

She hugged you as the both of you watched the tv.

Deku was fighting this villain he keeped hurting himself and regenerating. After a while he dropped, the villain was down but so was he.

You got up quickly "he better fucking be ok" you said in tears.

Mina rubbed your back as the fell back to the floor "he's Deku he's fine"

"You're probably right" you stay still hyperventilating.

After a while you were allowed to see him. You ran into the hospital room he was sitting on the end of his bed with his face in his hands.

You ran to him "oh fucking Izuku" you say hugging him. He started to cry "we did it y/n, she's safe"

"Izuku Midoriya you could have died, people did die" you say looking at him.

"That's the life of a hero," he says looking down.

You hug him again "i'm just glad your ok"

a/n: sorry this chapter is shit I got really lazy writing this chapter, i'm just exited for the next few chapters so stay tuned.

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