part 11

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All of class 1A got onto the bus heading the the training camp it was 6 in the morning way too early to be on the rode.

When you got up that morning you wanted nothing other than to go back to sleep, "y/n get your lazy ass up please" your sister called out, you got up and did your regular routine. "Ok it's 5:30 i have to go" you say grabbing your bags. "Okay be safe, I love you" your sister said hugging you.

When you got on the bus you sat next to deku and fell asleep immediately. You woke up to the feeling of the bus stopping.

Everyone got out, the pro hero group the pussy cats were waiting there along with class 1B, they explained that you had to go through the forest to get to the camp.

'This is gonna be easy' you thought to yourself. Everyone started running through the forest, you just took flight and flew over. You looked around seeing the cocky blonde bitch from 1B Monama following closely behind you copying your quirk.

You and Monama got to the camp a long time before everyone else, when they finally got to the camp they all looked exhausted.

"That was terrifying" Mina said walking up to you

The next day you were all working on making your quirk stronger, you didn't really see much your quirk could do. I mean you can fly and move your feathers with the same force of a punch.

Your sister can move hers with the force of a knife but you had no clue how to do so.

lost in thought someone walked up to you. Vlad king the teacher of class 1B.

he taped your shoulder startling you, "oh hello sir, you're the teacher of class 1B right"? You ask "yes, I was your sister Rokus teacher, I want to talk about a way of making your quirk more effective" he says "oh cool, thank you"

"So your feathers are very powerful with training they can be as strong as knives, but they can also hit pressure points. For example if you hit someone with one your feathers hard enuf on the side of their head they will pass out, with even one touch you can knock someone out".

You were interested. "That's cool, where are they"? You ask "The temples he says" he says "I have to go help another student, practice" he adds on.

You start trying to hit your own temples (don't do that) after many hours you have feathers everywhere you decide to try to knock yourself out one more time " I need to learn this if I can knock people out on the field fighting villains would be easy" you mumble you hit the side of your head with a feather again.

You fall to the ground passed out "y/n" deku yells running over to you "y/n, y/n are you ok" you hear deku say shanking you awake "it worked, IT WORKED, YES" you yell.

" what"!? He said on the verge of tears "I'm ok I'm ok, i was learning how to knock people out with pressure points sorry I scared you" you say kissing his cheek"

You walked to dinner together lucky no one saw what happened.

Deku went to go find some kid, you got paired up with Mina for a training activity in the forest.

The pussy cats exlained the activity and the pars of 2 started going into the forest. You and Mina went into the forest, you heard a blood curdling scream and people yelling "VILLAINS".

You and Mina where both confused. That's when you both saw a person running towards you, it was momo "there are villains the same from the USJ. there's a gas people are passing out left and right i don't know what to do'' Momo said freaking out.

"you have the best quirk for this situation, make gas masks" you say "that's a good idea" she said as gas masks started falling from her shoulders"

"You said there's people who passed out. We need to get them out. I can do that, where are they" you ask "there everywhere" she says falling over. You catch her.

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