part 21

367 11 11

It was the 27 your period was 4 days late, you pick up your phone and text Mina and Momo.

Momo: yes?
Mina: bet I don't wanna go to work today
You: THANK YOU!!!! Momo?
Momo: fine but what is this even about?

Mina and Momo got to your apartment about an hour later, the 3 of you sit on the couch. "So y/n why did you force us to come here" Mina asked. "I think I'm pregnant"

"y/n you're not even married yet" Momo said judgmentally looking at you. "I'm aware" you say.

"Sence someone decides to get bussy, we'll go get you a pregnancy test". Mina says. "Thank you"

Mina left to go to the grocery store around the corner Momo stayed to comfort you. "y/n its gonna be ok, you know Deku loves you and he will love this child if you are pregnant".

Mina walked in the door "here you go" she said handing you the bag. You walked into the bathroom. After 10 minutes the test was developed.

"I'm scared, you do it" you say "I dont wanna touch your piss" Mina says, picking up the test. She looked at it and paused "well congratulations" she said with a weak smile.

You felt faint "fuck" you say siting on the couch

Mina and Momo hug you as you wait for Deku to get home.

After about an hour of silence and processing Momo speks up "y/n Izuku is going to be home soon and I think you need to tell him alone" "your probably right i'll text you what he says". You say

The 2 girls leave and your left alone on the couch waiting for your finance to get home.

After about 30 minutes the door opens you prepare yourself and get up, "hey honey you feeling any better" he asked, kissing your cheek.

"About that I think you need to sit down" you say, leading him to the couch. "What is it y/n" he asks, you stay silent "you can tell me" he says softly looking at you.

After a moment of silence you say "Izuku I'm pregnant" his eyes intently lighten. He stands up and picks you up spinning you around. "I'M GONNA BE A DAD" he yelles.

He starts crying "my moms gonna be so excited" he says.

You just stand there in shock. You didn't expect him to be so happy. The 2 of you never talked about kids so it was never a thought.

He calms down and you both sit again "y/n I will support you and our child no matter what I love you" he says smiling at you. "Then I guess we're starting a family" you say

Telling your sisters was definitely going to be something. Ray was 8 now. Roku had a wife and they still lived in your childhood home.

You: hey Roku can I come over later today
Roku: yep what's the occasion
You: I have news :)

Later that day you go to your sisters home, when you walk in the door Ray comes running to you. "Y/N I MISSED YOU" she says. "I know I feel like I haven't seen you in months" you say hugging her.

Roku and her wife come in you all go to the living room, "so family, I have news so you all know me and deku are engaged to be married and such well i'm also pregnant"

Roku looks at you "no" she says in a shocked voice "yes" you say back. "You're 24 thats way too early to be a mom", "well i'm gonna be one" "does that mean I'm gonna be an anti" Ray askes. "Yes" you respond "yayayyyyy"

After you left your sisters house you went home. Walking in the door you see Deku in the kitchen. "Hi babe so because your pregnant I looked up what pregnant people like to eat and I went to the store and just got it all" he says with a smile

"Awww that's so cute, but you know i'm only 2 weeks" you say as he kisses your cheek "I know I'm just excited" he says.

"So deku we should probably have our wedding before I give birth just because I feel like it would be hard to have to handle a baby and have a wedding" you say

"Your probably right, what if we do it at your sisters house I mean you grow up there and all your family lives there" he says "that's a great idea i'll ask roku" you say

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