part 20

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Before you knew it high school was over, it was 8 years latter, so many near death experiences and loss. Deku was the number one hero you were number 3. The both of you had an agency together, the number one in japan.

You had an apartment together and a cat, you and Deku were so in love. The past 8 years you just got closer.

Deku was still his nervus self but he had gotten boulder. He wasn't as scared.

It was your day off, you sat on the couch watching tv, you cat siting on your lap, you pet her just enjoying the free time.

Suddenly the door to your apartment opened and Deku walked in.

You got up and met him at the door, he hugged and kissed your cheek "babe what are you doing home so early?" you ask.

"I missed you, there wasn't anything going on in the office or on the streets and if something does happen the interns can take care of it". He said, kissing you.

You pulled away "Deku what's up with you this is so unlike you" you say looking at him.

"I have a surprise," he said to you, taking your hand. He pulled you outside, "Deku where are we going". You ask "if I told you it would ruin the surprise".

The 2 of you got into the car and he drove you to the mystery location.

You zoned out until you hear "we're here" you look around seeing a beautiful garden.

Flowers and trees surrounded you the farther you and deku walked into the garden.

You turned around taking in the natural beauty, when you turned back around deku was on one knee holding a gorgeous ring.

You immediately put your hands to your face "oh my god Deku"

"y/n I can't even express in words how deep my love for you runs, the first day at UA when I saw you I knew that I was in love with you. I love you more than anything, y/n will you marry me". He said with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Oh god Izuku yes, yes I will marry you" you say starting to cry.

He puts the ring on your finger and stands up. He kisses you deeply. Susendly Mina runs out with a camera.

"Congrats" Mina yells, hugging you. "Mina you knew" "well duh I am your best friend" she said handing you the camera. You looked at the pictures "ew, thank god photoshop existes" you say "I think you look gorgeous" deku cuts in "well thank you for your input" you say with a giggle

You and Deku go back to the apartment, this felt unreal.

You couldn't help but smile you were truly with the love of your life. When you got back to your apartment you and deku just sat on the couch.

"What now"? You ask "I don't know all I know is I love you and I am so excited to get married" he says hugging you.

"Izuku I love you, I love you so much, and I will love you everyday until the end of my life".

He looked at you and smiled, "y/n I love you too, but where is this coming from" he asked

"Remember in high school when you defeated overhaul and I met you in the hospital, we were talking and I was worried about you getting hurt so much, you told me that was the life of a hero. I think about that day what you said all the time. It made me realize as heroes we give everything but most of us don't get happy endings. Izuku I love you and I just pray that we get a happy ending"

"y/n I had no idea you felt that way, look as long as we're together i'm happy. Screw endings I'm happy now and that's all that matters". He said, holding your hands to his heart.

You looked at him admiring his feachers "your right" you say with a smile.

(sexy time, time skip)

You turn to the side laying in your bed with Deku a layer of sweat covering your body and his. The feeling of your high still coursing through your body.

Izuku definitely knew what he was doing when it came to intercourse.

You turned over and smiled at him, as per usual he pulled you into his arms. He whispered into your ear "I love you" you both drifted to sleep in each others warm embrace.

The next few weeks were madness. You woke up every morning in pain having to run to the bathroom. On top of that you still had to fight villains and your sister was nagging you about wedding preparations.

You got up and ran to the bathroom about to throw up, Deku walked in after you. He got down behind you holding your hair and rubbing you back as you throw up all of the previous night's diner.

"y/n we should probably go to the doctor this has been happening everyday for the past 2 weeks" Deku says tired of having to see you sick.

"No I'll be fine, go into work without me today I've probably just been stressed" you say getting up "for 2 weeks" he says giving you a judgemental look.

"Yes" you say giving him a playful smile, "fine but if this happens tomorrow we are going to the hospital"

Izuku leaves to go to work you sit on the couch, you pick up your phone and look at the date "shit"

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