Morning Coffee Run

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Today was a normal, average day for Jeon Jungkook. He had woken up, wrapped in his silky sheets, exhausted from a late night of staying up once again because of his insomnia. He had mapped out an idea for another song, as he always did on sleepless nights when his mind was rushing with ideas. It's why he became a songwriter. He wanted to do something he was passionate about, something that truly benefited its audience. And he knew for a fact that music helped so many people. It had gotten him through any rough patch, it was a form of escapism. 

He took a shower, brushed his teeth, all the things people typically do on an average morning. He had dressed in a black and gray tie-dye hoodie, light-wash jeans which were ripped at the knees, and chunky, white shoes, stained a light brown ting from wearing them almost every day. He dawned a silver ring on his pinky, a gift from his childhood friend, Yoongi, for his birthday. It meant so much to him because inside it had engraved his favorite word, which was "Serendipity". He had no idea why he was so drawn to the word, but he always loved the meaning of it. That you found something wonderful that you didn't go out looking for. Maybe it was that fact that the gorgeous meaning of that could be expressed using a single word, a handful of letters, but he found it so fascinating. 

He grabbed his small notebook, worn-out pencil, black fabric mask, and his small black backpack and put his notebook and pencil inside. He put on his black mask, and quickly entered his car to go on his morning coffee run. 

The café wasn't too far from his house, so it only took a few minutes of driving to pull into the little parking area next to it. Then, he saw the sign for the millionth time. Coffee O'Clock. He walked into the cozy coffee shop and saw the server, Jin, awaiting his arrival. 

"You're here early today, Kook. Were you just dying to get your morning coffee?"

"Sure I was. I just had this unquenchable thirst for it this morning." He mocked. 

"The usual?" Jin asked.

"I think I'll try something different."

"Woah, someone, I think Kook's sick. Do you have a fever?"

"No, I'm just in the mood for a change. Everything has been so boring this year and it's almost 2021 so I need a change as we leave this god-forsaken year." Jungkook plainly answered back.

"Amen, kid. So, what you wanna try? Got plenty of options to keep you busy with."

"What's that one?" He swiftly pointed to one of the options on the menu hanging over Jin's head.

"That? Oh, that's the chocolate strawberry frappe. It's my personal favorite. Much sweeter than coffee."

"I'll try it."


"Sure, why not?"

So, with that, Jin quickly blended up the pastel pink-colored drink, poured it into the cup, and handed it over. 

"On the house, in case you hate it." He chuckled. 

Jungkook took a timid sip of the chocolate-topped drink, taking in all its creamy texture and its taste.

"This tastes like chocolate-covered strawberries!"

"I know." Jin chuckled to himself at the enthusiasm of the 24-year old. 

Then suddenly, the little bell rang as an indicator of someone else entering the small café. Jungkook took one look and decided that he would shut his mouth as not to embarrass himself in front of the angel that just walked in. 

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