This Love

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                                   ~just an fyi this chapter starts v abruptly so be aware~

also quick warning yes its back its happening again im not saying it u already know so yeah

Yoongi dragged Taehyung's arm out of the car and into their house where the door was slammed shut and Yoongi was immediately pressed up against it. Taehyung picked him up and carried him to the couch in the living room where the TV was still playing some random cartoon from earlier before they left. Yoongi got placed onto the couch and Tae followed close after, hovering above him. He pushed Yoongi into the cushion of the couch, pecking at his lips softly. Yoongi's hands carded through Tae's hair, pulling him closer, not having enough. He gave in to the silent plead and deepened the kiss. His thigh found its way in between Yoongi's legs, the latter bucking his hips up lightly as he gasped through the other's lips. 

The kiss was broken for a moment to take their shirts off, coming right back together after, feeling the heat throughout each other's chests.  Their tongues danced together, saliva exchanging through the kiss. While Taehyung was distracted during the kiss, Young secretly pulled off the shorts he was wearing and snuck his fingers under the light blue lace panties he wore. He rubbed his hand around a bit and let out a small squeak through the kiss, trying to not give himself away that quickly. He slowly pushed a finger into his entrance, letting out a quiet moan, hopefully quiet enough that Tae wouldn't hear. He gradually added another finger, letting out a louder moan, making Taehyung break the kiss to see why he was making so much noise. He lifted his head to see if he was subconsciously touching Yoongi, but as he was scanning over his body, he saw Yoongi's hand down his panties and caught the gist of what he was doing. 

"Baby's fingering himself?"


"Don't worry, darling, I can help with that." 

He pulled Yoongi's fingers out of his underwear, and as he did so, he pulled the blue panties off all together. He lowered his head to leave light hickeys throughout his thighs, meanwhile Yoongi was still trying to catch his breath from the intense kiss they had moments ago. He trailed up the older's body, leaving light marks wherever he could. He slowly rubbed Yoongi's entrance with his index finger and after a second pushed in slowly. He pushed deeper and deeper, long fingers brushing against all of his sweet spots. He kept letting out lewd sounds, breaths short and labored, soft moans. Taehyung used his free hand to take his own pants and boxers off, adding another finger. He carefully pulled his fingers out, positioning himself. He cautiously pushed himself in, hearing Yoongi keen at the slight stretch. He waited to move for about five minutes before the boy under him had adjusted. 


"Ok, baby."

So he slowly started thrusting in and out, in and out, so as not to hurt Yoongi. But, the man was over eager. He threw his hips up and down, trying desperately to feel more of Tae. 

"Ta-Tae! F-feels-s goo-good~"

They started moving a bit faster, everything was picking up when suddenly- 

Ring ring

Taehyung's phone started ringing, and looking at the screen, it was Jimin. Taehyung thought for a second before hesitantly picking up the phone and putting it on speaker.

"Taetae! Oh my god, where are you?" 

"At home, w-why?"

"Well, it's a party at a club, I didn't expect you to cave so early."

"Oh, yeah. Y-yoongi got drunk and he fell asleep in the car so he's like, r-really tired and still slightly drunk. But he's just watching random cartoons right now, haha."

He tried to sound as normal as possible, though that was a bit hard. 

"Actually, he's right next to me if you wanna ta-"

"Hand phone over now."

"Ok, ok."

"Hi Yoongs!"

"H-hi g-uys!"

"Hey, are you ok? You're stuttering." 

"Y-yeah, just t-tired-d and a little dru-nk."

"Oh, ok. Well get some rest! Love you."

"You t-too." 

Taehyung took the phone back. 

"Welp, I'm gonna put him to bed."

"K. Love ya!"

"Love ya too."

He hung up the phone. 

"Good job, baby. I don't think he noticed."




He kept making slow-ish thrusts, keeping a tempo. Yoongi was almost there, just a bit more and he would come. A few of these thrusts later, and Yoongi was coming with little whimpers. Soon after, Taehyung pulled out and came as well. 


"I know baby. Come here, we can cuddle." 

Yoongi inched closer to Tae, curled up and felt a pair of arms around him. 

"Sweet dreams, Yoongs."

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG IM SO SOWYYYYYY. ik i said more sporadic updates but almost tHREE WEEKS?! unacceptable, im sowy. um, when i went to hawaii, i missed my flight so i still have missing work and um the end of the 3rd quarter is coming up and i dont want crap grades. so ive been focusing on school but good news after this only like 2 or 3 ish months left of school before summer so WOOOOO! but yeah, until at least this quarter ends, um it might take a while for updates. also i had this chapter done then accidentally deleted like half of it but in my opinion its better now. also it isnt proofread but thats fine. i have a comp for dance coming up too, second one this year and i have a solo so that also contributes to the lateness. anyways, that was life updates with iz, love you all 💜💜

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