A Morning of Regret, Confusion, and a Ton of Tylenol

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So, here we are, back with your regularly scheduled, not completely drunk out of his mind Jimin. His head was pounding from the number of different types of alcohol he consumed the night before. He went back to JK's house because Jungkook had taken it upon himself to pick up the drunken 26-year-old. They had decided that for now, it would be easier to be living in JK's house until the song was over because he had a recording studio in his basement. Jimin was borrowing Kook's clothes since they were his style anyway, and they got him a few things to be able to stay. 

Jimin decided to take a cold shower to wake himself up, though that plan failed because he and his great judgment decided the water was too cold. He got a towel and some clothes and walked into the bathroom, massaging his temples once he put his stuff down because of the aching pain going back and forth through his skull. He was letting the water warm to his liking while he was collecting the needed items, and when he knew the water was ready, he took off the oversized white short sleeve shirt that he was wearing the night before, along with the black sweatpants JK had put him in when he was passed out on the bed from consuming one to many vodka shots. Once he got in the shower, he let the warm water soothe the pain going through his head, getting his hair wet so he could wash it. Then, the water drizzled down his back and slowly crept around every part of his body. 

He somehow managed to remember the texts exchanged last night, though he said nothing of it and didn't plan to. He cupped his hands and faced the stream of warm water, splashing some on his face to get rid of the concealer he didn't get to take off last night. He, at last, washed his hair, the feeling of the shampoo cleaning his scalp of oils satisfying him. After rinsing out the green-apple scented shampoo, he massaged in some purple conditioner, letting it sit on his hair for a minute or two to let the effect set in. He rinsed the conditioner out of his hair, now much smoother under the running water. His headache had calmed down a tiny bit, but not a lot. He could still feel a bit of a pulse through his head. He gripped onto the body wash container, opening it so he could wash the smell of alcohol and bad decisions from him. He poured a bit too much onto his blue loofa, which he rubbed along his milky skin. 

As he was finishing rinsing, he realized he left the door unlocked to the bathroom, so Jungkook unknowingly walked in. The doors of the shower were glass, so he saw everything. And try as he did to look away, he couldn't hold his gaze to a comfortable area in the room. He stared and stared at Jimin's thick, glossy thighs wantingly. He then moved his gaze up a bit to his small, slight abs. And that led his eye to the full splendor of Jimin's infamous "Nevermind" tattoo.  He couldn't pull his eyes away from the living angel in front of him, and Jimin couldn't move a muscle. The logical side of his brain was embarrassed to an extent. Meanwhile, the idiotic, fanboy, freak side of his brain decided that it didn't give a fuck. So he just stayed still, not wanting anything to happen.

"Sorry, I didn't hear the shower go on."

"Oh, it's fine. No big deal."

Jimin really had to control his strong impulse to talk hella dirty to the other male, tell him to come on in, the water's fine. (congrats if you get that office reference haha.) He and his great judgment were back at it again, and he just couldn't take it anymore. 

"Well, this shower seems like it's big enough for the both of us and it's not like I haven't seen you shirtless before..." He smirked, knowing exactly what he was doing to the younger. He was gonna get him and Jungkook together before the songwriting was over, that he knew. Or at least, he knew he needed.

oOoOOoO things getting shpicy ;)  dont worry i wont do too much next chapter...or will i? im not sure its 1 am and me and my great judgement are having a fucking blast :D

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