Spill, Sis

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ok yall im in class while im posting this lol im so bored anyway back to normal schedule that was just a little note.

After a while of Jimin begging to stay in bed, they got up and got ready to go to Coffee O'Clock together. Jungkook picked Jimin up bridal style and brought him to the closet to choose what he wanted to wear. He chose one of JK's black, long sleeve t-shirts with black biker shorts underneath. He wore a pair of black Balenciagas with red soles for shoes. He also put on his silver chain necklace and bracelet, all his rings, a silver chain anklet, a black beanie partially covering his fluffy, blonde hair, and he got a shimmery, black mask for when they left. He looked in the full-length mirror, fixing pieces of hair dangling above his forehead, adjusting the beanie, perfecting his look. Meanwhile, Jungkook wore black, baggy sweatpants and a black, oversized, short-sleeved shirt. He wore his ring and his pair of chunky, white Filas and got the normal black mask that he always wears. He put together his black backpack as he always does and goes to ask Jimin if he is ready yet. 

"Baby, are you ready to go?"


"Ok, come on I'll help you to the car since, you know..."

"I'll be fineeee."

As soon as he said that, he tried to walk a few steps out of the bedroom door and immediately stumbled. 

"You sure about that?"

"Ok fine carry me whatever." 

Jungkook chuckled at the older's efforts. He let Jimin get on his back so they could go down the stairs, then down to the garage. Jungkook helped Jimin get in the car next to him, then he got in.  They turned on the music, their favorite song coming on again, but Jimin's throat felt a bit sore from practicing the song, so he didn't scream sing to the song as he had done before. 

"No fun time singing?"

"No, need to save my voice for big song."

"Makes sense." 

So he hummed to the song while they drove for the few minutes it took to get there. Once they did, they walked in together, Jungkook gripping onto Jimin's back to give him stability and Jin greeted them. 

"Wow, it's the world's favorite couple that's totally a couple!"

They both blushed a bit at the comment. Jin didn't yet know about them, only about moving in together, they hadn't thought to tell him in the meer hours this started. So they just ordered, drinks the same once again, and sat down at one of the small tables. They were having a conversation while Jin was in the front, tidying up. After a minute, he finished and went to the back, intending to clean there as well. 

"Can I sneak a kiss since he's in the back?"

"Fine, Kookie."

Jungkook pecked Jimin's lips, slightly covered with the taste of strawberries and chocolate. Little did they know that Jin had already come back when he realized that he already cleaned the back a few hours ago. 

"Oh. My. GODDD!"

"Well shit."

"Spill, sis." 

Jin had sat himself down, making the other two explain what was happening. 

"So you-"

"Walked in on him in the shower, he kissed me, shit happened there, shit happened on the bed, we came here. Story over. We decided we were gonna date."

"Do you realize how ironic this is?"


"I started dating Namjoon, like, last week!"

"Who's Namjoon?" Jimin asked.

"He's my new boyfriend. He works at some software company, he's the CEO."

"Ooh, fun."

"Anyway, just so you know, you can't tell anyone. And I mean ANYONE. People would go insane and I promised Jimin some time where we could just chill at home, take a break." 

" I would never tell a single soul unless you said so."


"Can I tell Joonie?"

Jungkook sighs. "As long as he doesn't tell anyone."

"He doesn't do that kind of stuff."

"Then be my guest." Jungkook smiled a bit as soon as he saw the giant grin on Jimin's face, presumably because someone finally knows about their relationship. 


God, he looks so pretty when he smiles. He looks gorgeous in general, but when he smiles...it's on another level. If you thought he was an angel before, then you would've thought he was a god when he smiled. His eyes crinkled into crescent shapes, his entire face lit up when he smiled. And he just looked beautiful sitting there, huge smile painted on his face, baggy clothes draped around his amazing body, lord he looked so adorable in my clothes. He took a sip of his drink and a bit dripped down his chin. I swiped my index finger across his chin, picking up the sweet liquid. I licked it off my finger, savoring it. 

"God, you two are adorable. I clearly wasn't lying when I said you were the world's favorite couple. I see what you mean when you say people would freak out if you went public. Who wouldn't think you two are absolutely the cutest?"

Jin kept going on and on until I decided to pay the bill so Jimin wouldn't have to deal with his slightly overkill compliments.

"Bye-bye, Jinnie!"

"Bye, Jimin!"

We drove home after that, wanting to just hang out on the couch and relax, put on some Netflix and just cuddle. So when we got home, that's what we did. We spent the whole day just binge-watching our favorite movies, being with each other. I would gladly do anything with him, as long as I'm with him. After hours of watching different movies, I noticed he fell asleep again while his head was resting on my lap. I carefully picked him up, so as not to disturb his sleep, and carried him to my bed. I took the beanie off his head and put it on the dresser and went into the bed with him. He immediately grasped onto me, pulling me closer to him so I would hug him. So, I drifted my hands down his body lightly, finding the dip in his back to rest my hand. His small fingers gripped my shirt, and his leg wrapped around my torso. He clung to me, and he kept scooching closer to me to get my body's heat. So, I pulled off my shirt to let my heat warm him up, then covered him in the blanket. His head was rested on my chest, and I just stared at him. He was so beautiful, I couldn't believe he actually liked me. I couldn't believe he was mine. But he is. And if I do this right, he always will be. 

hey yall, im bored so im just gonna put random crap here. this chapter was actually me typing up a rough idea at 1 in the morning, then i told myself to do my work in said draft, and do my work i did (v. proud of that). then, i typed this up at around 11 at night which is kinda early for me so pat on the back for that. so, yeah. im just lowkey bored rn. but whatevs. that was this week's life updates with iz sooo bai for now see yall next update. :)

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