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SHIT I FORGOT TO POST YESTERDAY IM SO SOWY. yeah ummm. school and sleep got the best of me. BUT IM HERE NOW FORGIVE ME PLEZ. i just dont know how i forgot i was ready to post this 2 days ago after staying up for literal hours but...yeah ill post early next week to make up promise. :)

Jimin woke up the next morning before Jungkook, in his embrace as he was last night. He decided to stay there, Jungkook's body heat and the blanket warming him, keeping him there. His phone, however, had different plans and buzzes on the nightstand next to him. He groans a bit and grabs his phone, slipping away from Jungkook a bit.

"Have you gotten so sick of me you're leaving? Haha." Jungkook tiredly said.

"No, my phone just went off. Tae texted me, which is clearly important because most of the time he's just so lazy he just waits until we meet to tell me whatever."

He opens the text and reads it.


i did it, chim.


did what, exactly?


found myself a very cute adorable human that i am very much in love with.


FINALLY! OMG, who?? This is tea, spill all details.


why dont you and your hot boyfriend come to meet him at the cafe you like?


gladly, when?


maybe 12-ish


consider me already there bitch



"Can we go to Coffee O'Clock at around 12? My friend finally has a boyfriend and he wants him to meet us."

"Anything for my baby. When do we have to get ready?"

"I'm going in the shower now, but you can wait if you want."

"Ooh, hope I don't walk in again. Unless-"

"NO, Jeon. No shower with me. Places to go, things to do. Choose an outfit or something, I don't know."

"Fine..." He pouts.

"Maybe next time." He giggles. 

Jimin goes in the shower while Jungkook gets up to pick an outfit. He decided on a light gray t-shirt and a leather jacket with some light-wash ripped jeans and chunky, black sneakers. He wore a chain necklace very similar to Jimin's and his ring. After Jimin got out of the shower, he wrapped himself in a towel and went to the closet to pick out his outfit. He chose a white t-shirt that draped over his legs a tiny bit, white shorts, and white sneakers similar to JK's. He also wore his chain necklace, bracelet, all of his normal accessories. After he changed, he got out of the closet to put on a bit of makeup and do his hair. He did his hair and did a little concealer and lipstick. After he was completely ready, he walked out of the bathroom. 

"Are you ready?" Jungkook asked.

"Ready when you are." 

They got in the car and headed over to the café and put their normal masks on right before they went in. No one was there yet, so they waited at a table after they ordered. After a minute, Jimin saw Taehyung's car pull in from inside.

"He's hereee! EEEEEE!"

"Baby, calm down."

"Right. Breathe. But it's SO EXCITING-"

"I know, but they could come in any minute."

Just as he said that, Tae entered the shop, someone following. 



"Wait, you two know each other?"

"Yeah, we've been friends for so long. He even was the one to get me my ring on one of my birthdays."

"Babe, why didn't you tell me you knew him? We could have had so many double dates with Jimin and Jungkook and it would be so fun and-"

"I forgot you were friends with Jimin and also you never said anything about them dating."

"I didn't know until a few days ago, but they've been dating for like a week I think. Maybe. I'm not sure."

"Ok, anyway, we came here to hang out, so let's do that and stop talking about how stupid I am for texting Jungkook my love confession instead of Tae because that may or may not be what happened."

"Oh lord."

After a while, the two couples parted ways, and Jimin and Jungkook were on their way home. They got home really quick, so they decided that they would cook dinner. More accurately, Jimin decided he would do all this stuff. So, he got inside, put on his apron, and started getting the stuff ready. Jungkook was upstairs changing, so he thought he could surprise Jungkook. Jungkook came down really quietly, having changed out of his ripped jeans into dark gray sweatpants. He snuck up on Jimin, hugging him from behind while whispering into his ear.


Jimin jumped a bit at the sudden breath down his neck. 

"I-I thought you were changing. It was gonna be a-"

"Surprise? No need, honey. We can cook together."

They spent the next hour or two cooking, then enjoying their efforts at the table after. They headed upstairs after that, Jimin changing into his pajamas, which was just a long, white snuggie, and Jungkook pulling Jimin into the bed after he was finished changing. 

"Goodnight kiss?"


Jimin pecked the younger's lips at first, then the kiss became a bit more heated. Jungkook's tongue entered Jimin's mouth while his long fingers trailed under the blonde's snuggie to caress his upper body. Jimin moaned when he felt Jungkook's thumb tracing a circle over his nipple, his hand trailing to the other man's nape. Jimin broke the kiss after a solid minute or two.

"Do you really wanna do this right now, Jungkook?"

"Hell yes."

I literally- I made a plan for this chapter since I can't do shit without a plan and I shit you not, something I wrote straight from google docs one day will eventually kill me. here it is, copy and pasted: "its rlly cute and fluff then next chapter ill ~dO a FuLl OnE eIgThY cRaZy~ if ya know what im sayin wink wink" i am literally wheezing rn like im boutta bust a fucking lung anyway yeah i guess that's a look to next chapter now if you excuse me it is fucking 5:30 in the morning no shit so ima take a nap and get the next chapter done and written so that i won't have to deal with it later on in life that was life updates with iz see ya next week :)

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