Drunk to The Point of No Return

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Time skips a few weeks after that day, and we can see Jimin at a party getting drunk. And when I say drunk, I mean it. There's a reason this chapter is called what it's called, people. He was at a party with his friends, and he decided to text his bestie, Taehyung. 


why won't you come out, taetae?????


cause, im tired min.


fine, but you're missing out


whatever you say

Jimin puts his phone down for a little bit, then after gets much drunker, he decides he should "go to the bathroom".  As soon as he entered, he started texting who he thought was Tae, but was actually Kook.


i think im in fucking love

~christmas kookie~



you heard me tae, im in fucking love

~christmas kookie~

okkkk? and...?

Jungkook knew he shouldn't be pretending he was Taehyung, but he wanted to know what he meant. Jungkook needed to know if Jimin liked him, so he could make a plan if he did. 


are you not curious in the slightest bit to know who it is?

~christmas kookie~

no, please do go on, i am desperate to know


ok mr sarcasm, his name is jeon motherfucking jungkook

~christmas kookie~

his name is jeon motherfucking jungkook?


yes, just take out the motherfucking

Jungkook kept his calm on the outside, but inside he was screaming. So that's why Jimin liked that song idea so much.



~christmas kookie~

ik you're absolutely drunk as hell right now, and if so you absolutely won't remember a word from this text until you read it in the morning full of regrets, but i like you too

sorry for the short chapter folks, but thats a good place to end it :) leave y'all on a cliffhanger tehehehe

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