Come On In, the Water's Fine ;)

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warning: ik it's early in the story but there is like kinda smol smut in this chapter. there is dirty crap going on so if you have innocence spare yourself pls innocence is wonderful and you won't appreciate it till it's gone so keep it while you can. 

Jungkook was jUnGsHoOk at the comment. So he did remember what was said last night. 

"You sure?"

"Please, if I was in the slightest bit of doubt, I wouldn't do this."

"Do wh-"

Before Jungkook could finish his question, Jimin got out of the shower and pulled the taller into a kiss. And all Jungkook could think was "Damn, his lips." Now, that is very broad. He felt bliss when his slightly chapped lips made contact with the plump lips that tasted like strawberries as well as other kinds of indistinct fruity and sweet flavors. He didn't question the older's move, since he knew even though he had a heavy hangover, he was still in a right state of mind, not drunk or anything. So as soon as that move was made, he kissed right back. Neither side of the kiss necessarily rough, per se. But it was both of their first kisses, so they weren't positive about what they were doing. They just did. And it worked. After a while, they broke for air. Jimin being the first to break the unwanted silence.

"Now get in the goddamn shower with me."

"Ok Mr. Bossy."

Jimin chuckled at the little nickname. Jimin walked back in the shower while Jungkook was getting in. 

"Do you want me to get your back?" Jungkook asked, plan in mind.

"Sure." He smiled at the seemingly innocent offer. 

So he got a bit of body wash on his hands and started massaging Jimin's back with it. After a while, he started to pepper kisses down the older's neck, making his breath hitch a bit on the intake. He started sucking on a certain spot, which in turn, produced a barely audible moan from the receiving end. He kept on sucking on that spot, nipping a bit leaving a reddish mark in its area. Then, Jimin let out a louder, breathy moan which drove JK nuts. 


"Please what? What do you want, Jiminie?"

"Kiss me..." 

He turned around and wrapped his hands around the black-haired man's neck, getting on his tip-toes to kiss him again. This time, though, Jungkook brushed his tongue against the latter's bottom lip whilst sucking gently on it. Jimin knew what it meant, so he parted his lips the slightest bit to let Jungkook's tongue in. And when he felt his tongue against Jungkook's, he couldn't wait anymore. He slid his hands down Jungkook's body, feeling him.

"You're fucking hard." He muttered through the deep kiss, now harsh and slightly rough with want - no - need. 

"Damn right."

Jungkook smirked a bit, knowing the second that Jimin realized he was checking him out, he had a plan.

"Oh shit."

dont worry folks ill finish what ive started next chapter i just have a good time with cliffhangers ok


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