i love you

9 0 0

Everyone was back at home after getting Ubers the night before, hungover as hell. 

"Koooooook, you got Tylenol?"

"Mhmm, duh."


"Wait your turn."

They each took some Tylenol, heads pounding. 

"I lay in bed now."

"It's 10 in the morning, baby."


"Fine, I'll make breakfast since my fun-sized boyfriend has an issue with the idea of the outside world now."

"You didn't just-"

"Sure did."

"Oh, you're gonna regret this."

"Well, your hungover and also like 3 feet shorter than me, so I don't think you can make me regret anything."

Jimin charged at his boyfriend while giggling and jumped into his arms as he was lifted.


Jungkook chuckled at his baby's cuteness. 

"I love you, you know that?"

"I love you, too."

They nuzzled their noses together.

"Oh! Have good idea!"

"What is it?"

"Maybe we could record the song today."


"I want to record with you."

"Yoongi's actually a music producer, I can see if he can come over."

"If he can walk. Might have to make Tae bring him."


"I called last night, and they were stuttuering on the phone saying Yoongi was drunk and stuff and they were allegedly watching cartoons."


"They were fucking on the phone and acted like they were watching TV."


"So yeah, I'll make Tae assist him."


~time skip cause i feel like it~ 

"Yoongi! What's wrong? You're limping." Jimin smirked as he said that.

"Oh, nothing, haha."

Jimin walked up and whispered in Yoongi's ear,

"Don't act like I couldn't hear."

He laughed a bit and walked away as Yoongi was blushing in embarrassment.



"We're finally recording!"


"Yoongi wanted to help so he came once Kook called."

"Ok, that makes more sense."


"Yes, my dear boyfriend?"

"I will show you all to the thing I have downstairs."


They walked down the stairs to the basement, where there was a mic and a recording setup.

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