Don't Leave This Bed

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heres the slightly early post to make up for the late one last week sorry that it isnt any earlier but im lowkey in a different timezone rn so its weird but yeah.

quick warning: oops I did it again, I PlAyEd WiTh- ok no seriously I did it again im sorry there is smut I want to bury myself 6 feet under lol. but clearly, if I have the opportunity I will very much take it that had been seen before so here we are :)

"Do you really wanna do this right now, Jungkook?"

"Hell yes." 

Jungkook kept trailing his large fingers around the older's petite frame, lifting his snuggie off in the process, leaving him in his white underwear. Jungkook lightly pushed Jimin into the mattress, getting on top of him. Jimin tugged a bit at the hem of the younger's shirt, Jungkook pulling it off after he got the memo. He went in to kiss Jimin's neck, noticing a tattoo there that he hadn't seen before. It was a small pair of angel wings. He smiled lightly before kissing directly on it, making Jimin let out a whine. He slowly licked a strip of skin in that area, biting his earlobe when he reached it. He whispered into his ear, sending tingles down the shorter's spine.

"Wanna see a magic trick?"

He reached over onto the nightstand and got a remote. Suddenly, lights lining the top of the glass wall turned a red color and the other lights in the room turned off. 

'God that's so hot.' Jimin was thinking to himself when Jungkook spoke.

"You like it?"

"So much." A smirk painted his lips when he said that. 

Jungkook licked his lips then started kissing down his torso, small whines and heavy breaths leaving Jimin's lips. He got down to Jimin's hipbone, leaving a few marks there, lingering, teasing him. 

"P-please, daddy!"

Jungkook plain stopped in his tracks. He climbed back up the older's body to meet him face to face.

"You have a-"

" that bad?"

"No! Of course not, baby."

After that, Jungkook kept going from where he stopped. He kissed down Jimin's thighs while reaching the bottom hem of his boxers, moving his long fingers to Jimin's ass, squeezing a bit, enough to hear a louder whine from Jimin's beautiful lips. He moved his hand to the underwear's waistband, tugging them off as Jimin lifted his hips off the bed so Jungkook could get them off. He got them off and continued, trailing kisses toward the latter's torso, up to his hole. Jungkook left a small kiss there, making Jimin let out a yelp. He started letting his tongue go in and out, leaving the other male's thighs shaking from the pleasure.

"D-Daddy! Ahhhh! F-Feels so g-good~"

"You like that, baby?" 


He let his tongue go deeper, meanwhile, he let his hand trail to Jimin's length to stroke him, making the blonde's back arch off the bed while he continued his whiney moans. He moved his mouth to where his hand sat, wrapping his lips around Jimin's dick, making him plead out for more. 

"Nghh~ Fuck me already, d-daddy~"

"Is that what you want? Do you want my dick, baby?"

"F-Fuck yes~"

"How about you return the favor first, honey. Then I'll fuck you as hard as you want, as long as you want."

Jimin eagerly pushed Jungkook into the bed, taking his sweatpants and black underwear off, and immediately started sucking the life out of Jungkook.

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