Tell Them Your Mine

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They were bored. Very. Very. Bored. And they didn't know what to do. It was a Saturday evening and they wanted to go out later, but they had no clue what to do to fill the time. Jimin, being the wonderfully smart person he was, decided to go scroll on Instagram while being lazy on the couch to fill the spare time. Saw pictures of his boyfriend, few inspirational quotes. Then, he had a wonderful idea. What if he teases some lyrics to the song with Jungkook? One posts one lyric, the other posts a corresponding lyric. He ran up to Jungkook's room to tell him this wonderful idea.

"Baby, I'm bored. But I had an idea."

"I was also bored and also had an idea. Let's see. Three, two one..."

"We post-"

"Lyrics to the song."

"I hate you how dare you take my idea straight from my brain," Jimin said, giggling. 

"Hey who's to say I didn't think of it first and you stole it from my brain?"

"Me. I say that."

"How dare you," Jungkook said, dramatically angry expression on his face. Jimin let out little giggles while Jungkook pulled him down onto his lap.

"Which lyric, baby?"

"Um...I don't know."

"You're the one who sings it."

"You're the one who wrote it."

"Um, correction. Co-wrote it."

Jimin rolled his eyes and smiled. 

"Ummm..Just decide for me! It isn't that difficult."

"Fine, how about," he skims over his notes on the song. "You are me, I am you?"

"That. is. fantabulous."

"Well, we have our answer I guess." 

~time skip bc um yesh~



"Yep gonna stop you right there before that gets ridiculous."


Jungkook jokingly rolls his eyes at his boyfriend pulls him in for a kiss.

"Well, since people might now know, what do we do now?"

"Um, sit and wait for people to talk about it? This has never happened to me before."

"Sure sure let's just do nothing."

"We could, um... watch a movie and cuddle?"

"Fine I pick."

"Fine fine. Let me guess, something like... the Titanic?"

"How did you know Kookieeee. Mind reader, I'm telling you."

"Yeah, I just know you so well, you know. Like, it's not like I couldn't tell because you've watched it only about um let's see here... like 50 times."

"Shut up it's a good movie."

"I agree my wonderful fun-sized boyfriend."

"Shut. Up. About. My. Height. Bully."

"Hey, I never said being fun-sized was a bad thing. You're the perfect size to squeeze in my arms like a little teddy bear. Very endearing, I must say."

"Why thank you for making me feel sooooo much better about being the tiniest frickin' thing in this house."

"Shhhhh, shh shh. Just come, and be the Rose to my Jack."

"Ok, and you say I'm obsessed with that movie." 

"Once again, who's the one who has watched that god-forsaken film over two hundred gazillion times."

So, Jimin hopped right on top of his boyfriend as they started watching the Titanic, waiting for their fans to go crazy over them, enjoying the moments of peace before the next time they go out and paparazzi bombard them with questions of "how long has this been going on", "how serious is it", "what kind of future could there be". Right now, he just cared about the man whose arms he was in, who was hugging him on his bed, who he had hoped would never give up on him. And, spoiler alert, he never did. Never crossed his mind. Because, as Jimin had said, "you are me, I am you." And that is how it would always be. 

folks I did it. took like a month, but I did it. school ended, got a boyfriend, but I still found a fucking way lol. um...well...I don't rlly know what to say I've never ended a book before lol. this was a really good fun time to right, and im even more excited about the next one. its definitely kinda a full 180 from this one, but you know what, I think I like it better than this one lol. I am just full of ideas so maybe we'll get another one while im at it? im not really sure, but for now im just gonna bask in this completedness accomplished feeling I've got going for me lol. see you in the next book, which I have decided to call *drumroll pleaseeeeee* Seven Minutes in Heaven. if the title is any indicator of the main turning point of the story, which it kinda is, this should be really exciting. I've had this idea for a month or two but have been waiting to finish this one and completely prewrite it for minimal breaks. I hope everyone who read this enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing, and I hope you also thoroughly enjoy the next one. for now, enjoy your summer as I will be :). that was life updates w/ iz, see you next book <3.  

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