The Need

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omg lil note here ik its early and im early but in celebration of me having a fucking sNOW DAY FINALLY I am posting early lol. oki im gonna go plan some more of the book and get ahead soooooo...

also, warning: there is smut in said chapter so beware if you have any innocence left leave now or just skipidydoda outta here. If you dont have innocence, however, you are welcome to stay. 

"Oh shit."

Jimin, having trailed his hand down, started moving it up and down, his small hand barely fitting around JK's size. Either he was huge or Jimin's hand was tiny. Probably both though. 

"Fuck. Jimin-"

Jungkook groaned as he moved faster, wondering when he could fuck Jimin senseless. 

"Baby, why did you want me in here?"

"Fuck me already Kook. I know that's what you want, and I want it too. So fucking bad."

He couldn't take it. He shoved one of his tattooed fingers inside Jimin, making him gasp and send a moan throughout the large bathroom. He used his other hand to calm Jimin down by gripping slightly on his tiny waist. 

"F-fuck.." He whined out. It was too good for a single finger. He needed more though. 


"Baby, are you sure?" Jungkook made sure he actually wanted this. 

"I'm f-fucking positive.. just give me fucking more.."

And with that he pushed in a second finger, trying his best not to hurt the older's fragile body. 

"Go f-faster! FUCK! RIGHT THERE!" Jungkook's long fingers brushed up against Jimin's sweet spot, he practically screamed. Luckily, no one was really close to Jungkook's house since he didn't have neighbors that lived close to him, so they could be however loud they wanted.

"Please... I need you.. not your fingers.." Jimin moaned out.

"You're sure, right? I don't want you to regret this."

"Fuck regret. I want this here and now. Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Jungkook couldn't take it. He took his fingers out and started to push himself in.

"S-shit..." Jimin's voice trailed off, his train of thought completely corrupted at this point, he wasn't able to think about anything other than the pleasure he was receiving at the moment.

Jungkook picked Jimin up and pushed him against the shower wall, letting Jimin grip on his neck while he was being held up by his thighs as Jungkook pushed further until he was finally all the way in. 

"Tell me when I can move, Jiminie."

After a minute or two of them staying still, Jimin moaned out, "Y-you can move n-now."

"Are you sure?"

"Please m-move, I can't w-wait any longer..."

And with that, Jungkook started slowly thrusting in and out, trying his very best not to hurt the boy. 

"Y-you can go f-faster..., please g-go faster..."

"Ok, baby." 

So he started to go a bit faster every minute or two, making sure that Jimin can say if it's too much for him. Jimin was on cloud nine, he wondered if this was what heaven felt like. He kept letting out whiny moans, while JK was letting out deeper ones. Jimin pulled Jungkook's neck a bit closer, signaling that he wanted a kiss. So, the taller leaned in and captured the soft lips again, both of them moving in sync. Jimin was moaning into the kiss, so JK's tongue was immediately let in. Their tongues slipped against each other, they both felt amazing at that moment. 

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