Strawberries Are My Favorite Now

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"Jeon Jungkook, if you say anything stupid, you are freaking dead." He couldn't move, he couldn't interact with Jin. It was like the world had ceased its movement and all that was racing was Jungkook's mind. 

"Hi." He mumbled out, not wanting to talk too much.

The male standing in front of him didn't respond. He was also much too nervous, so he went straight to Jin. 

"Hi there, can I order?" He sheepishly said, voice shy and quiet so as not to disturb Jungkook's seemingly deep thoughts, while in reality, it was just making him blush at the sound of the small squeak. 

"Of course, Jimin. Don't mind Mr. 'I'm Brain-Dead' over there, Kook's just shocked to see his idol in his local coffee shop."


"Jungkook. Wait, do you know him too?"

"God, Jin. He's MY idol! I've referenced half of my songs on things he helped write!"

"I get it now," Jin smirked. He knew Kook would talk now, hearing that. Once he has confirmed he won't royally screw up a chance, he takes it. 

"Wait, really?! I've listened to your songs for, like, as long as I can remember!" 

So, yes. Park Jimin, a world-famous singer had happened to live near the very coffee shop Kook loved, and since he got there an hour earlier from running a little early, he met him. 

"Jeez, your work is so freaking poetic it's scary! Not actually scary, you know what I mean, though."

"Please, I wish I could be poetic. I just write what my mind is thinking."

"Well if that's the case, your mind's a fricking poet."

Jungkook blushed at the comment. He didn't think he was that good, but Jimin felt otherwise. 


OMG, my idol thinks my writing's good. HOW TO PROCESS? I think I'm malfunctioning. I could feel the skin on my cheeks turn crimson red really fast. I liked him. Like, like-liked him. He looked gorgeous, wearing an oversized white short sleeve shirt with a small V for the neckline and it saying Euphoria in light pink, like my song, a pair of light-wash ripped jeans, in which the rips went all the way up over his mid-thigh, exposing the milky skin on his glossy thighs, black combat boots with small heels because he was clearly on the shorter side and a cute silver chain necklace that dangled right below the beautifully pale skin on his collar bone. He also wore a silver ring on his pinky that looked similar to mine, a golden thumb ring, and a ring on his ring finger which was a rose gold color as well as a chain bracelet, silver-like similar to the chain on his necklace. He also wore a white mask with small crystals speckled over the surface. I especially eyed the ring and necklace, because of how breathtaking they looked on him. But I'm silly for liking him. I shouldn't like a man I can never get. 


JEEZ. GOD. I've wanted this for so long now. He's so good at writing it's not even funny. And for the record, I have my reasons for crushing on him. He posts half his life on social media, so I practically know him personally. He's SO HOT, like, jeez. When he sings....god don't get me started on when he SINGS songs he wrote. It sounds like if an angel decided that it wanted to grace the world with its presence. And he looks straight outta a magazine and I look like shit. Great. STUPID JIMIN YOU SHOULD'VE DRESSED BETTER GOD DAMN. I saw him eyeing the necklace that hung on my neck, so I just said, "You really like my neck, don't you?" 

3rd Person POV

Jungkook started blushing at the comment. Was he really that obvious? 

"It's ok, people stare at much worse places on me, believe me. I've had some awkward encounters with fans who just check me out fucking EVERYWHERE. It's like their eye-fucking me, it's funny to me for some reason, though."

Jungkook could only mutter out, "It's really pretty."

Pretty? Jimin thought to himself. Jungkook thought he was pretty? Was that good? He was pretty sure it was, so he just said thank you to the cute compliment. 

Then, Jungkook blurted out, "Can I write a song with you?"

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