1 Month

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omg im finally doing something with everyone together woot woot! soooo everyones gon meet each other and also...you know what im not gonna spoil it for yall lets just do the chapter.

*also time skips like one week just so you know.*

Jimin was busy doing a little makeup while Jungkook was working on an outfit for himself. Why, you may ask? Well, because it was their one month anniversary and they invited all their friends with them to go and celebrate. Jimin was wearing a white crop top and white shorts paired with white Air Force Ones. Jungkook also got him a silver ring that had a star on it and also got one for himself that had a moon on it and surprised him that morning. He had also made breakfast in bed for them to share while they cuddled and watched TV for most of the morning. Then Jimin decided that he was gonna text all his friends to come out and celebrate because he was bored. 

So that's where they are now, getting ready to go to the club with their friends to celebrate their one month. Jungkook finally decided on a black, rhinestoned top with black leather pants and black dress shoes. Jimin was busying himself with the dilemma of what color eyeshadow to do, and after a good five minutes of staring his colorful palette down hard he decided on a dark color in the crease of his eye while putting a lighter shimmer on his lid. He applied a bit of concealer and blush then to finish, a little pink-tinted lip gloss. He styled his blonde hair to hang over his brows, while Jungkook decided to push his back a bit. Jimin looked himself over in the mirror and remembered he had tiny rhinestones that he could place around his eye, so he put one under each of his eyes and when he looked back in the mirror again, his eyes were sparkling. He walked out of the bathroom, confidence peaking, and then he saw Jungkook standing in his mirror, touching up his hair, fixing a small wrinkle in his chiffon shirt. He was in pure awe, standing there in silence as he realized all over again that that gorgeous, mouth-watering, greek god of a man was his. He smiled a bit to himself and walked over behind him, being so short that he wasn't able to be seen behind Jungkook's reflection. He walked out from behind and his boyfriend jumped a tiny bit, startled because of the sudden appearance.

"When did you get there?"

"Like a minute ago. You look so handsome." He draped himself over Jungkook's broad shoulder as he spoke, feeling every one of the muscles under his fingertips,

"Says you, Park Jimin, aka a living angel. You look so...so.."

"I get it, I did a shit job on my makeup and I look a mess."

"Mess? Do you know what messes look like? God, you look so beautiful, baby. You look like an angel." He shifted his weight to face the shorter, staring deep into his coffee-like brown eyes. He placed his hands around Jimin's waist, finding the dip in his back. He leaned in to press a small peck, lingering over his lips for a moment. Jimin's hands found their way up his back, snaked up into the dark locks of Jungkook's hair. 

"I love you, Jungkook," Jimin spoke, slight hesitation in his voice as he didn't know how his boyfriend would react.

"Finally you say it. I love you too, my beautiful little Jimin."

"I'm not little!"

"Yeah, just fun-sized."

"I'll let fun-sized slide."

They giggled a bit and pecked each other's lips once more before walking out the door of the bedroom. Jimin texted the newly made groupchat consisting of him and Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi, and his bestie Hoseok, whom he met a few years ago, saying that they were on their way to go and that they'll be there in half an hour. 

~bffs gc~


we just left we headed over be there in like 30 mins

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