Can I Write A Song With You?

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"Can I write a song with you?"

Jimin decided that even though his legs were about to give out from happiness, he would answer, wait for Jungkook to leave, then he could fall to the ground.

"I would be honored." Jimin smiled a bit, sending butterflies through Kook's chest. 

"What if we meet at my place?" 

"I can actually just go with you, I walked here today and I think it would be easier to drive to a place with someone who knows where they're going rather than walking aimlessly alone."


So with that, Jimin picked up his drink, which happened to be the same as Jungkook's, and they headed out to the car to go to Jungkook's house. Jimin struggled to buckle the seatbelt because of the shock he just received in the coffee shop. So Jungkook reached over Jimin's petite body and helped him buckle in. His tattooed hand grazed the older's torso a bit, and Jimin could feel the taller's callouses on his large fingertips from playing guitar for his songs. Jimin's heart fluttered at the tiny touch from the younger, while small goosebumps covered the small area that his finger touched. 

"So, how do you get ideas for your songs?" Jimin asked, wanting to take his mind off the fact that JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK touched him. 

"I either get ideas from when I'm walking around in the city or I'm doing things that I like to do. Sometimes though, I don't get a lot of sleep at night cause I have insomnia, so I sometimes write then." 

Jimin thought that was adorable, he wished he could write like that. Just have a storyline pop into his head at the sight of something. All of his songs were about his life, different storylines that already happened to him. Either that or storylines he wished would happen. That's why he's written a lot of love songs. He may not have been able to relate to them, but he wished he could. 

"So, after you're done sucking the life out of that drink and spacing out, do you wanna listen to any music?"

Jimin snapped out of his unrealized trance. "Oh, yeah. I was deep in thought for some reason." 


"You can choose, it's your car after all."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

Jungkook started to put on his playlist and it just so happened Jimin's and his favorite song came on.

"YES FUCK YEAH I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!" Jimin started screaming.

"Glad we have similar music tastes." Jungkook laughed a bit to himself. 

After a while, they were close to JK's house, and Jimin was still screaming the lyrics.

"If this was how you sang, I don't think anyone would actually listen."

"I'm aware, this is just my fun time singing."

"Fun time singing?"


Jungkook pulled into his driveway into this large house, with a black roof and dark gray painted walls on the outside. 

"We're here."

"Ooh, your house is freaking gorgeous!"

"Thanks." Jungkook smiled a little at the older's excitement to enter his house.

They entered the house and Jimin drank all of it in. He had an office, living room, dining room, kitchen, and full bathroom scattered on the first floor. Then, they went upstairs to his bedroom. There was another group of rooms dotted around this floor, but Jimin couldn't take in the splendor of it all as he was drawn to JK's room before he decided to roam. His room had a large bed with a very intricate headboard, sheer white curtains hanging over the large window, an off-white desk with an office chair in front of it, a painting of a starry night hanging on another wall, and the thing he was drawn to the most was the singular glass wall that he could view from the bed's area. It had a wonderful view of the sky, and he could only imagine what it looked like at night. 

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