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Jungkook woke up beside Jimin, holding him tight as he smiled a little then ruffled his hair and gave his forehead a small peck. He felt the smaller man shift in his sleep and caressed his back.

"Hey, baby, I'm gonna go make breakfast, ok?" Jungkook softly whispered so as not to disturb Jimin's peaceful state yet still wake him up.

"Huh? Oh, yeah okkk." Jimin groggily said, just waking up then.

"I'll bring it up when I'm done." Jungkook slipped out of the bed and tucked Jimin under the covers a bit more so that the blanket could replace his body heat.

"Just go back to sleep, I'll be back up soon."


Jimin snuggled into the blankets a bit more, closing his eyes. Jungkook smiled to himself and went downstairs to get breakfast.

~time skip hehe~

"Baby, it's ready."

Jungkook had finished cooking the toast and scrambled eggs, so he went back upstairs to give it to his boyfriend. Jimin instantly shot his head up, waking back up.

"Yummy. Thank youuuuu."

Jungkook chuckled a bit. "You're welcome, baby."

Jimin took the plate and fork out of his hand and started eating.

"It tastes really good."

"Good. I put lots of love just for you."


After Jimin ate it all, Jungkook spoke.

"Oh yeah, I just remembered. I need to get some more milk for the house. Stay here while I get it?"

"Sure, just don't be too long, I don't wanna be lonely."

"Ok, it'll be super duper extra fast."

Jimin giggled a bit. Jungkook pecked his lips and ran down the stairs to get to the garage. After he was gone, Jimin went on his phone because he was bored. After a minute though, he ended up on his boyfriend's Instagram, scrolling through his pictures.

"Why is my boyfriend so hot god damn it oh no I think I'm horny god noooo!" Jimin sighed in defeat.

"Well, I mean, I guess I could just like...yeah I'm just gonna do that."

Jimin got up and walked to the closet where he got a small box. He picked something up from that box and walked back to the bed, sitting down and spreading his legs a bit.

"Perfect." He smirked a bit as he held the toy in his hand, taking off his panties with the other. He reached over into the drawer of the nightstand and got some lube out. He popped open the cap and poured some onto his fingers and put some on the toy. He pushed the toy up against him and slowly pushed it in. He let out a gasp and a moan. 


He started moving his hips along with his wrist, slowly pushing further and further. He started letting his free hand roam around his body, lightly grazing his fingers along his soft skin. He closed his eyes and imagined it was Jungkook doing all this to him, that he was the one letting his hands roam, that it was his dick and not some toy.

"D-daddy~ Ahhhh~"

He kept swiftly moving the toy with light flicks of his wrist as he kept letting his hands move freely across his body. 

"W-want you- ahhh~ Oh!"

He kept moving the toy further deeper until it reached his sweet spot. 

~meanwhile jungkook~ (jungkook's pov)

I was driving listening to music as I pulled up on my house. I got the milk out of the car and walked inside the put the milk in the fridge. I heard a faint sound coming from upstairs. It sounded like...moaning? No, no it can't be moaning, Jimin's probably just ,like, laughing at something. 

I went up the stairs and the closer I got I could hear more clearly that Jimin was moaning. Was he playing with himself? I slowly opened the door and saw a beautiful Jimin, spread out across the bed whilst thrusting a pink, glass toy in and out of himself. Oh god, he's gorgeous. When did he even get that? Who cares, my baby needs me. I silently walked into the room and took my jacket off. 

I could see him shifting as he moved his wrist. I wanted to help him myself, but I didn't want to scare him or anything. So I carefully walked over to the bed and leave a small kiss on his neck. 

"O-oh! K-kookie? H-help me please~ Want you~"

How could I ever deny him?

"I know, baby. I'm here, I can help you. When did you get that toy?"

"I-I've had it f-for a while, but I b-brought it here."

"Well we don't need it anymore."

Author's POV 

He pulled Jimin's wrist from his entrance, pulling the toy out. Jimin let out a small gasp, feeling empty at the loss of the toy. 

"Are you ready from the toy, baby, or-"

"Yes, yes, p-please just quickly- please~"

"Ok, baby, ok."

Jungkook hastily took his clothes off and got on the bed, the mattress dipping with his weight. He hovered over the blonde, Jimin's hands cupping his face to bring him into a deep kiss. Jungkook reached over to the nightstand while still in the kiss, feeling around for the lube. Jungkook broke the kiss.


"Y-yes, please, h-hurry."

He popped open the bottle and poured a bit onto his fingers, putting some on his member. He slowly pushed into Jimin's hole, digging his face into the crook of his neck to suck in some hickeys. 

"Ohhh! So good~"

Jungkook slowly started thrusting so as not to hurt Jimin. 

"Y-you can go faster if y-you want-t~"

He kept biting hickeys into Jimin's neck whilst going faster, the bed rocking more and more. Their moans got louder and louder, they had kept kissing, breaking to let out lewd sounds until they both came undone.

"Wanna tell me why I walked in on that?"

"Hard to explain..."


"I looked at your Insta."

"Wow, guess I'm that hot."

"You think?"

hi um it's been a minute but I like highkey ran outta ideas. it's fucking 1:30 in the morning and I'm at my mother's and um yeah. I think this book's gonna end in a few chapters though bc I have a better book idea but also I have a good ending for this one in mind. I cannot WAIT for the next book bc it's like an actually decent idea and not boring shit like this. um well I hope you enjoyed this chapter this has been life updates w/ iz loves youuu!!! <3

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