Chapter 13

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"Leaving? You can't leave!"

"I have to, Nadine. I can't hurt you again. It would kill me, or worse, kill you."

"I know you didn't mean it!"

"That doesn't matter. You still got hurt. If I would've bitten you, you'd be like this too. I can't imagine doing that to you. This isn't the life you deserve. I was selfish thinking I could have a regular life."

Tears began to form in her eyes.

"But you can! You just need more time. Please, please don't leave me."


"I know we've only known each other for a month, but I feel like I've known you forever. You're my best friend and I can't imagine you leaving. I lost you once, please. I can't lose you again. Please." She began to sob. I hugged her as her tears soaked my shoulder.

"It's okay." I rubbed her back gently.

"No, it's not. I need you. Just think, after this year in the dorms we can get an apartment together off campus. Maybe we could get a fish. We could have the others over for pong and have double dates with people off dating apps. Please. I know it sounds fragile, but I need you."

I didn't want to leave her. My young adult life was just beginning, and she was the truest friend I would ever come to know.

"Let me talk to Bayne, okay?" I wiped away her tears. She nodded.

"I'll let you know. Just focus on getting better."

I gave her another hug. She watched me walk out the door. I bet she was wondering if she'd ever see me again.

I met Bayne at the car. He was stuffing the foldable tent in the backseat.

"There won't be a lot of room at the lodge for your junk, so pack lightly."

"Bayne. I don't think I want to go."

"This isn't a want anymore, it's pretty necessary for you to go. You almost took that poor woman's leg off."

"I know. But. Please. She doesn't want me to go. I don't think I want to go."

"We don't get a choice in this. None of us did. If you're a werewolf, you're dangerous. You can't be around humans. You will want to kill them."

"What if I'm not a werewolf anymore?"

"What?" He asked.

"Is there any way to turn me back human? At all? There has to be something."

He didn't say anything.

"Just get in the car. Your father can deal with you and your questions."

"Enough of bringing my father into this. Is there a way to reverse it?"

Bayne kept quiet.

"No snarky comment? That means there is a way, isn't there?" I pressed.

He was silent as a library on a Saturday night.

"Please. Tell me. You're hiding something."

"It's not worth it." He grunted.

"Maybe we can both turn back." I suggested.

"It's too late for me."  He kept his head down.

"Don't you wish someone was there to help you turn human again? To lift this curse from you? I'm sorry it's too late for you, Bayne. I genuinely wish it wasn't. But please, if it's possible at all. Help me. Help me be human again."

There was a few more seconds of no talking. Then, he finally spoke.

"There is one way."

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