Chapter 71

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What was supposed to be a whisper turned out to be an excited shriek.

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"Let's go somewhere private." She dragged me up to the third floor patio balcony and slid the glass door behind her. Her excitement bursted out of her.

"I mean, it's crazy, right? I can't believe it! I know it's soon, but I love him!"

"What even makes you think that he's going to propose?"

"Well, I saw he had a little box he was carrying and keeping concealed from me. And he's been acting weird. Like he's always busy with pack stuff. I think he's going to surprise me!"

"Did you ever think maybe he IS busy with pack stuff?" I said, my arms were crossed.

"Erin, what's your deal? I thought you'd be happy for me."

I don't know why, but hearing about their potential engagement made me upset. It was too soon. It was too weird. She was my best friend.

"It's getting too weird. Having a crush on my dad? Fine. Dating my dad? Fine. But marrying him? What if you guys have kids? Your kid will be my sibling."

"I didn't think of it like that."

"Exactly. I feel like you're not thinking. Does he even want kids?"

"I. I don't know." She said.

"I feel like you don't know anything. And you're so much younger than him! It's been less than a year, do you really even know him?"

"Do you?" She sassed back.

"You're right, maybe I don't. But I'm not the one marrying him. What about the pack? Is he going to turn you into a wolf too? Did you think about that?"

"We did talk about that. We agree it's best if I stay human. I don't want to be a wolf anymore than you do...I thought you were a more reasonable person. I thought you would be happy for me."

"I want to be. But it's just too weird. The thought of you giving birth to my sibling. Being my stepmom.. I thought I could handle it, but it's too much."

"Why didn't you say something before it got this far!"

"Because I didn't think it WOULD get this far!"

There was a silence. She stared at her shoes for a moment.

"I thought we were best friends before everything else. I guess not." She said. She looked back up at me before storming off and slamming the sliding door.

Their relationship weirdness had built up past my tolerance. I should have realized it wasn't a good idea to begin with. A part of me didn't think they would ever actually get married.

I went back inside. Ulrich jumped me.

"What happened to Nadine?" He asked.

"What about her?"

"She left. She packed up her stuff and left. Said she needed to go home.. I don't know when she'll be back. I hope I didn't do anything to upset her."

"It wasn't you. But dad, are you going to propose to her?"

"What? Where did you hear that?"

"Oh, you know. Pack rumors."

"The pack rumors are usually wrong, son. Including now. No, I'm not proposing to her. I think she'd think it's too soon."

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