Chapter 14

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"There is? Can you tell me?"

My stomach grumbled.

"Not here, let's get some lunch first." He suggested.

I was still dirty when I went into the diner. I scrubbed myself as much as I could in the bathroom, but my hair was still a mess.

We sat in a booth, looking over a menu.

"Let me guess, a salad?" Bayne mocked.

The sever came over and took our order.

"I'll have the banana nut French toast, please." I said.

"I'll have the rib dinner, with a baked potato and green beans."

The sever nodded and took our menus away.

"You hungry?" I joked at the amount of food he got.

"You'll lose that vegetarian attitude soon enough. I'm surprised you haven't already. You'll crave meat."

"I doubt it. But you were going to tell me about a way to turn back. You said you'd help me."

He sipped his water and sighed.

"I don't think you'll want to go through with it." He said.

"Tell me. Let me make that decision. Give me a chance."

"I think it would be best if you just forget about it. It's dangerous." He said reaching for his Diet Coke.

"No. Tell me. I don't want to leave my life behind."

"When's your birthday?"


"When's your birthday?" He repeated.

"January 27th." I said.

"That might be enough time." He said chewing on an ice cube from his drink.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"There's only one known way to turn werewolves back to human. Many have tried, but not all are cut out for it."

"Tell me." I insisted.

"Before the moon of your next birthday, you need to find the wolf who turned you. You have to find them and. Find them and drink their blood."

"You're kidding." I said, queasy at the thought of drinking another's blood.

"No, I'm not. It's the only known way to do it. The blood of the one who turned you has the power to reverse it too. Not a paper cut amount either, you need to drink a lot of it. You'll need to kill them."

"How could anyone know who turned me? It's impossible to know. It was dark, they were in wolf form."

"We have a guess who it could be. There's another pack, a pack who's trying to turn a lot of people." He explained.

"Why would anyone do that?"

"To make their pack bigger. Big enough to expose wolves and make them unstoppable. The Canadian government knows about us. The government and the packs of Canada have a mutual agreement. They give us money to keep our living areas funded, a place for wolves and wolf packs to go. In return, we keep quiet. Some wolves don't want to be quiet. We also vow not to kill or turn others. It's a power trip for some, see what they can get away with. Grow their pack. Being a leader of a pack isn't enough for some."

"So you know who turned me?"

"We think we know what pack, but have no idea who. They'd never own up to it."

The server brought us out our food. Bayne devoured his rib dinner. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I began to eat the stack of banana french toast.

"Do you remember any detail about that night? Any detail that'll help us find them?" Said Bayne, over his messy bbq ribs.

"No. The moon was full. That's all I remember. It was dark. I don't know what it looked like."

"When a moon is full, a werewolf is stronger than normal. Our powers come from the moon. We are moon creatures." He explained.

"Are there sun creatures?" I asked.

"Yes, several. Most mythical creatures gain power from the sun or the moon. Vampires are a sun creature."

"Vampires? I thought they blew up when they went into the sun."

"You've been watching too much TV. That's not true, quite the opposite, actually. The vamp population is small, it should stay that way."

"What makes you so sure your better than the vampires? You both hurt people."

He set down his bbq sauce covered fork.

"Alright, stop watching Twilight. You know nothing. If you want this to work, quit acting like you know as much as me. This has been my life for years, and you get bit a week ago and you try to tell me how things work? I don't think so!" He retorted.

"Fine. I won't act like I know things, but then you have to answer my questions." I said.

"Fine." He picked up his fork and stabbed it into his green beans.

"So how do we find this wolf?" I asked.

"We'll have to go back to the pack, one of the wolves there is an excellent tracker. I'm hoping he can help us."

"Is it my dad?"

"No. He can't know. They'd disprove, and dismiss the idea. I can't help you if he says no, you understand?"

I sighed. I didn't want to lie to my father I had just gotten back in my life, but I wouldn't want to be a wolf either. The thought of eating meat made my stomach turn, I couldn't even swallow the thought of drinking another person's blood.

"Understood. When do we go back?"

"Tomorrow. If your dad asks, I forgot some stuff to bring with. Got it?"

I nodded. I disliked Bayne's attitude most of the time, but he was the only one even willing to try to make me human again. I did not have a plan on how to kill someone or drink they blood. I tried to convince myself that perhaps they were a bad person. That didn't make it any easier. I had to rely on Bayne, and cross that dark bridge when we came to it.

We finished our food.

"Go pack and meet me in the woods tonight." Said Bayne. I nodded.

I returned back to my dorm room. I tried to focus on homework the best I could. It was nearly impossible. The desire to become human again and worry about mundane problems was much more than desirable. It was needed.

There was a knock on the door. My roommate wasn't going to answer it, so I climbed off my loft. I went to the door. It was Nadine. Her face was still gashed, but she had looked much better than she did in the morning.

"Nadine. This isn't a good time. I'm-."

"Please, Erin. I need to talk to you."

Cole let out another dramatic sigh from his computer chair.

"Not here, let's go for a walk."

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