Chapter 5

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I was nothing but a guy with a messed up leg. I'm sure I looked like I took a beating, but did I really look that bad?

"Keep eating, nothing to see here." Announced Romulus. The men slowly went back to eating and chatting. They kept glancing over at me at random times.

We reached the bottom of the stairs and turned the corner, entering the open kitchen. There was another man in there. In total I counted around fifteen men. Fifteen, unbelievably handsome, men.

"Can we get the injured guy something to eat, please?" Romulus asked. He nodded and pointed the direction of the food.

There was food already prepared. Chicken legs, pork chops, potatoes, vegetables, and bread rolls. There was enough food to feed an army.

"Help yourself. I might take a chicken leg while we're at it."

He gave me a plate and I scooped up a plateful of vegetables and potatoes.

"You don't want any meat?" He asked.

"No, thank you. I'm a vegetarian." I explained.

"Aha! Not for long." The kitchen man said, laughing at me.

"Come on, Erin. Let's go sit down." Said Romulus. I carried my plate and followed him to an empty edge of one of the long tables.

"What did he mean by that?" I asked.

"Oh, don't worry about it. He just talks sometimes." Said Romulus. He completely devoured his chicken legs in no time.

A few men approached us. I was overwhelmed by all of them, they were all attractive in different ways. Some were tall, some had facial hair, but all of them were incredibly handsome, it was hard to keep my eyes off them. They made me feel shy.

"Romulus, you going to introduce us?" One man said. He had light facial hair and was buff. Every visible part of his arms were covered in tattoos. His hair was black.

"Sirius, I don't think this is the best time. They'll be back soon to talk to him."

"Why can't anyone tell me what's going on?" I asked.

"Erin, the pack leaders will be back soon. When they arrive they will explain everything."

"Why do you keep saying pack? What is this place? Some kind of cult?"

Sirius and the other two men with him laughed.

"Something like that." Said Sirius.

"Don't listen to him. He's just being an ass. Go along, Sirius."

"Fine. I hope your first transformation doesn't hurt."

"SIRIUS! ENOUGH!" Shouted Romulus.

"What transformation?"

"You'll see." Sirius squinted his eyes before walking away with the other two men.

"Erin, it's going to be okay. He's just a jerk who's bored and trying to get a reaction out of you."

I finished eating my vegetables. Romulus began to get impatient.

"If you want to lay down for a bit you can, I know you might be tired."

I didn't want to sleep. I wanted answers. Why was I here? Why didn't they want me to leave. Perhaps this was a cult after all. I thought of Nadine and her friends, I hoped they were alright. I wish I had my phone but it was left in the tent before the attack.

Just then the door opened. Three people entered through the archway coming from the entrance. They were beautiful as well. It was a woman, and two men. They were dressed nicer than the others. The room went quiet.

"Where is he?" The woman spoke loudly. Her hair was dark and just barley touched her cheeks.

"Right here." Said Romulus.

"Follow us, Erin."

I got up by myself. I looked back at Romulus.

"It'll be okay. Promise."

I nodded and walked across the silent dining hall alone. I followed them up multiple sets of stairs. My leg was taking it surprisingly well.

They led me into a room at the top. It was full of large windows, and a round table that sat five seats. Four on one end and on the opposite side a singular chair sat by itself. They filled three out of four seats on the far side

"Sit, please." Said the woman.

I sat down in the loner chair across the table. I finally began to get a good look at them. One man had an orange beard. The other, completely took my breath away. He was the best looking person I had ever seen, and I just entered a room full of attractive men less than two hours ago. His jawline was sharp, his eyes like emeralds. My palms got sweaty again. He wore a dark jacket and cuffed jeans. He looked incredibly cool.

"Hello, Erin. My name is Adolpha. This is Dakota and Bayne. Our pack leader Ulrich couldn't be here today, so we're here to help you."

"Help me? With what?"

"I know this might be hard to wrap your head around, so I understand any shock you may have. A few days ago, you were found in Washington with claw and bite marks. You were attacked. Attacked by a werewolf."

"A what?"

"A werewolf. We are all werewolves, but it wasn't our pack that attacked you and your friends. The bite mark on your leg doesn't match up with teeth marks from anyone in our pack."

"Werewolves? Right. This is some kind of joke, right? Aren't werewolves a halloween thing?"

"Certainly not. There are werewolves all over the world."

"Why do you guys look like people then? Shouldn't you have fangs and claws?"

"We only change at night, you see. We are still part human."

"That doesn't make any sense. Who put you up to this? Nadine? She loves a good spooky story, and a good joke."

"I don't know who that is, but I can assure you that this is no prank."

I couldn't trust her words. I didn't know any of these people. I stood up out of the chair.

"I want to go home. Please, show me how to get home."

"I'm afraid we can't let you do that." Adolpha said calmly.

"Why? I'm fine now. The healer guy fixed my leg. I want to go home."

"You can't."  She repeated.

I began to get upset. No one was giving me answers. I didn't want to be at this place. I wanted to be with my new friends. I wanted to go home.

"Why? Give me one good reason why I can't leave."

"Because you're a god damn werewolf now too." Bayne, the man with emerald eyes announced.

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