Chapter 90

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A leech of guilt swam inside me, sucking away at my stomach.

"You what?" He said.

"It was an accident. I was telling him about my past stuff and it came up and sort of fell out." I admitted.

"What did he say?"

"He was really calm about it, but he was on professional mode. I don't know."

"I need to go talk to him." He said, going towards the therapy room.

I didn't know what was said between them, but they continued to spend a lot of time together. Everything felt right for a few months. Nadine and my father were happy, the pack felt stable once again. Bayne and I were happy. There were no attacks by any type of creature. I imagined that's what the life at the lodge was like before I arrived.

Autumn flew by in a flash. Snow began to fall from the sky in late November, and persisted into December. The holidays were joyous. The wolves did a secret Santa gift exchange. I couldn't imagine Bayne participating in a gift exchange before. We each drew a name from the pot.

"Who'd you get?" I asked Bayne.

"I got Deva." He said.

I looked at the name on mine.

"I have Armstrong. Who do you have, Romulus?"

He unfolded his piece of paper and let out a discomforted gnarl.

"Sirius. Of course." He complained.

The gift exchange went smoothly. The drama was minimal in the lodge, despite Sirius's comments that we've all gotten better at ignoring. Nadine's baby grew and grew. She said it was about as long as a banana around the holidays. My father had his arm around her as we sat around the decorated tree one winter night. She sat in the chair near the tree. She gently rubbed her hand over her bulging stomach.

"So what do you think it's going to be?"

"Not sure. I'm kind of hoping for a girl." Nadine said.

"I meant, do you think it'll be human?"

"It's hard to say. Magical genetics hasn't been quite figured out yet." My father said.

"Nadine was a human when it was conceived. But she was turned. We don't know the odds of the baby being at least part wolf. We will have to wait and see." My father said.

"I'm nervous about it. I hope it's going to be okay." She gently rubbed her hand up and down her baby filled stomach.

"Have you thought about any names?"

"Not too much. We'll figure it out when it gets closer." Nadine said. She held my father's hand. I wasn't sure if it were the Christmas lights or their happiness, but they were both glowing gold.

Soon, New Years came. The day was filled with drinking, and flashy New Years decorations.

"Since we didn't get to kiss at midnight, why don't we kiss now?" Bayne grabbed my hand.




Our lips collided. His thumb gently stroked my chin.

"Happy New Year, Erin." He said.

My heart felt full. I had made a great life for myself at the lodge. Never in a million years would I have expected it. Everyone seemed to be on a streak of happiness.

But that was all about to change once again.

My birthday was coming up. I was going to be turning twenty. I heard whispers around the clock coming from the entire pack.

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