Part 13

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i'm sad :(
there will be an epilogue so don't throw this away too fast
i love you all and i hope you are all good!

Quarantine, day 157:

The day had begon normally this morning for Kalki. She had her little breakfast, got ready, kissed her little kitten and took her coffee with her to work.

She arrived at work, she had her little talk with Sonam and she went to annoy Deepika because... can she actually do anything else? (Just kiddingggg)

When she arrived in front of the office, she saw Deepika talking with Ranbir. At the view, Kalki got excited. She was the only one to know what was going on between them and so she decided to enter.
"Hiiii Deepu" she said happily entering, as she winked at her friend.

Deepika smiled sadly at her friend.
"Hi Kalki" she said softly before turning back to look at Ranbir.

Ranbir stayed silent. He didn't dare to resume their little conversation if Kalki was in the room. Nobody had to know.

In fact, past couple of days Ranbir and Deepika had been fighting. Not like the 'end of a relationship' fighting but the 'under the pressure of their secret exploding' fighting. They were scared. So scared to lose each other if more people found out.
Ranbir couldn't imagine a life without Deepika anymore but what if his dad found out? Would he fire her? Or him? Would he stop them from being together?

And ever since Deepika had found out that Ranbir's sister knew, they had been anxiously apprehending the moment it would come to Ranbir's dad's ears.

"Okay- hm I'll leave you with your friend Ms Padukone" Ranbir said, faking a cough.
"That acting is useless, I told Kalki about it" Deepika said, frowning at him.

Ranbir raised his eyebrow.
"I thought the deal was, not telling anyone?" He said, glaring at Kalki.
"Oh come on Ranbir, she is my best friend not like she would tell the world."
"So is Sonam Kapoor, we both know that girl could own a gossip website" he replied.

Deepika shrugged, he was not wrong on this one. Sonam was such a gossiper, it was impressive.
"Well, I trust Kalki with this, and so should you" she said more calmly.
Ranbir nodded and smiled warmly at Kalki.

That same morning, when Ranbir was at his desk, his phone rang. Obviously, he had to answer it, but seeing the name on the screen was no good. It was his mother.

"Hi Ma, how are you?" He asked, picking up the phone.
"So son, your sister told me you had a girlfriend that you didn't talk to us about? When are we meeting her? What is her name? How old is she?"

Ranbir's heart began beating frantically. His family knew. It was only a matter of time now. He needed to hide Deepika, he needed to protect her, to do something, he couldn't dare her to get hurt in the process.

"Huh- what- what did Riddhima said exactly?" He asked, sweating a little bit.
"Well she actually said nothing, she wanted to hide it from us but she ended up telling us you had a girlfriend. She gave us no informations so... give us some!!"
"Actually Ma, it's- you know it's not- not like really serious or anything you don't need to meet her or anything really-" he tried to justify, even though he knew it was a plain lie.

It was the most serious thing he had ever been into in his entire life. Sometimes at night he could even imagine their children playing around.

"Ranbir don't lie to me na, I'm your mother I can feel it. The way your sister said it told it all. When are we meeting this girl?" Neetu asked again.
"Maaaa stop it, you- you can't meet her it would just ruin it all" he finally said, saying the last part in a whisper.
"Okay you know what? Get your apartment ready, me and your father are coming to visit you, tomorrow. See you tomorrow son"
She ended the conversation and hung up on her now very anxious son.

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