Part 8

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Hi hi hi hi how are youuuu?
Here is a new part for you beautiful souls❤️❤️
I love you all very much💛💛
don't forget to leave a little review because you're cool aren't you

Quarantine, day 112:

They had been apart for so long, too long actually. But today was the day they would reunite. Actually it was the day they were finally going back to physical work. With real people! And real masks and measures against the pandemic.. But it was still a reunion!!

They had texted each other every night. Alia knew nothing about it of course, Ranbir would grab his phone as soon as he heard her sleep and he would text Deepika immediately.

It helped Deepika so much. She would always feel anxious before going to sleep for some reasons. But having him texting her at night felt really comforting and she just knew he wouldn't be asleep until she was.
She missed him terribly of course and today, she would have to pull off her best acting to not show any feelings towards him.

She woke up, got dressed, she actually had chosen beautiful clothes, she was proud of the outfit. She went to have breakfast in her small kitchen, she didn't really have a dining room so she would eat on the floor in the living room or on the kitchen counter. It was really small, but at least she wasn't at her parents' right?

Ranbir was so excited that he was shaking. He had missed his 'little Deeps' so so so so much more than he would ever be able to admit.
How he would struggle to keep it all locked down today, when he would see her.
The young man was getting dressed, in some good old suit. Alia helped him with his tie.
They had a quick breakfast together and soon, they were both gone to work.

Deepika was in the bus, she had had no other way to go to work that morning. Her car suddenly didn't work, out of nowhere. She was sitting on a seat, keeping her stuff close and positionning herself in a protection pose. She hated the bus, there were always weird men who would wink at her or other stuff. When she arrived at her stop, she thanked the driver and hurried herself outside... but some creepy man got out as well. Deepika panicked. She quickened her steps... but the man did too.

There, Deepika completely freaked and began running. Trust me running in some heels and suits pants is no easy thing. She was running as fast as she could, looking behind her to make sure he wasn't following when... BOOM.

Ranbir got out of his car and got bumped in violently. Deepika fell to the floor before he could even have told it was her.
His heart fastened when he realized who was on the floor infront of him. He handed her his hand and she grabbed his, giving him a weird sparkling feeling. God, how in love he was.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Yes, thank you" Deepika said and smiled shyly at him. She just didn't know how to behave with him anymore and she assumed he would prefer her to stay professional.
"I will.. go inside okay? See you there" she added softly. Ranbir nodded and Deepika left.

They met each other again that day, at the coffee machine. Actually Ranbir had one on his floor.. but he had this small hope he would have caught a glimpse of her if he took it on this floor instead.
"Hey! Fancy seeing you here" Deepika smiled as she was getting her coffee ready.
"Yeaaaah I was..huh.. getting some file down here and I thought.. what about a coffee you know cause it's like the same if I take it here and yeah it's totally a coincidence that we're both here and now" he let an uncomfortable giggle out, trying to convince her that it wasn't weird. Though it was. But it was not.

She chuckled, and it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He couldn't really get enough of her actually. She was the most precious thing that had ever happened to him.
"Well yeah, coffee is really good on this floor. You should come more often. I kind of miss your silly face" she winked at him, before going away with her coffee.

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