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Hello! Here were are again, for the last time for this story❤️
It was truly a BLAST writing it and getting some reactions from you is something I'm never getting tired of 🥰
Thank you for everything ☀️

first month...:

Three years ago, Ranbir and Deepika had fixed everything. Finally they had found a way to be happy together.
And that morning, Deepika woke up with a pit in her stomach..
Actually, she felt sick. So sick that she ran to the bathroom and couldn't help but throw up in that toilet. She knew it! Ranbir was kind of bad at cooking and last night he must've failed those eggs.

But it happened again, and again the next day, and the whole week actually. Until it actually happened at work.

Deepika was talking with Kalki about their project together.
"You know I think this would be perfect if it was more curved" Kalki said, pointing the drawing.
"You-" Deepika began but quickly put her hand on her mouth. She closed her eyes and once it was better she continued
"You're right.."
"You okay dude?" Kalki giggled
Deepika smiled but it came back and she ran to the bathroom again.

Kalki was worried. Very worried. She ran after her friend in despair.
"Deepika what's wrong??"
Deepika wiped her mouth and sniffled.
"I-I don't know what's going on- Every morning I have those nauseas and-"
"Morning sickness, newly weds, the answer is always a child." Kalki said.
Deepika's eyes widened. It was obvious. Why didn't she think about it before? She immediately opened her phone and checked her period calender.

"Oh my God I'm pregnant" she said, handing her phone to her friend.
Kalki grabbed it and checked. Deepika was 5 days late on her period. She gave it back, her eyes wide open.
"You are not moving from there, I will be back in 10 minutes."

And just like that, she was back 10 minutes later, a paper bag full of different pregnancy tests.
"I took them all, I didn't really know... i hope you have enough pee"
Deepika looked at her in confusion at that but grabbed the pregnancy tests anyways.

The 6 tests were on the floor of the girls bathroom of their floor, facing downwards. Both Deepika and Kalki were scared to see them.
If Deepika was pregnant, it meant she would never have time for Kalki anymore.. she would be busy with her little family. But at the same time, Kalki would be so happy for her. She just- she was scared that it would tear them apart.

Deepika was so scared. What if it was true? What if a little human was growing inside of her right now? And not just any little human, a Ranbir-Deepika human. Well, it was a logical new step now that they were married... but still? It was very confusing to her.

"So... is one of you going to turn them around or..?" Alia (who they had called since she had experience in pregnancies) asked.

Deepika took one of them impulsively. It was now or never, and she looked at it.
Tears immediately came rushing down her cheeks. She didn't even know why she was crying, but she definitely was.

That same evening, she couldn't have kept it to herself.
"Ranbir I need to tell you something" she had finally said, as they were cooking together.
"What is it?" He asked, turning to face her.

Deepika could feel her heart beating in her chest. She suddenly felt sweaty and shaky. She mechanically put her hand on her stomach, as if to protect their little baby from what she was fearing herself. Ranbir's reaction.

In fact, they had never really talked about having children at all. They had been married for only a year and it had never even crossed her mind. But there she was, carrying his child, their child.

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