Part 4

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It's me againnnn!! How is everyone??
Here is part 4 to make your day hihi (just kidding it probably doesn't make your day but you know what i meant)

quarantine, day 32:

Deepika woke up at 8, she had missed her puja time. It was still fucking cold and she couldn't understand why. But when she turned in the bed, she saw him sleeping next to her. He was asleep, and she just felt cold. She decided to cuddle into him, looking for human heat to warm her up.
She felt so comfortable by his side when suddenly she felt his arms around her. He was holding her as he was sleeping. Deepika's eyes widened but she couldn't help but cuddle more into him. She closed her eyes and she could feel every once of her body getting shaky.

When Ranbir opened his eyes, it was 8:30am. He couldn't believe his eyes. How embarassing! He was holding her, she was so close. Really really close. And it was the morning. Mornings always did shit to his pants. He felt paralyzed. She didn't feel it, right? She would have moved if she did probably. And she was sleeping. Oh my god he needed to get out of here, now!

He slowly tried to push her away, without waking her up and hurried himself to the bathroom, to shower and get it back to the normal.

Deepika opened her eyes as he left, she suddenly felt cold. She sat on the bed and rubbed her eyes. Wow. She had slept in her superior's bed. She felt stupid, like a child. She had been really childish to sleep there, just because she was cold. Please who does this at 25 years old. He was probably thinking that she was crazy now.
Well it was him that suggested it, but who would have said yes?

She quickly got up, took a big hoodie and decided to go make some breakfast for the both of them.
And then the day went on, the guys from the building maintenance fixed the heating and for the rest, it was exactly the same as every other day, except for the fact that both of their brains were going crazy.

They slept together again that night. They had finished watching 'Suits' really late and none of them had enough courage to move Deepika's stuff back into her room. So they decided it was okay. It could have been awkward, but it felt so natural that none of them had dared to question it.

quarantine, day 33:

It was 5 in the morning when both of the roommates got awakend by somebody knocking strongly at the door.
Quickly annoyed, both of them got out of Ranbir's bedroom and Ranbir walked to the main door.
He opened it and found the most surprising shit ever.
Alia, with her luggage. Yes, Alia.
"Alia?! What are you doing here?" Ranbir asked, the hugest frown on his face.

Deepika was in the same state of confusion, in the back, her glasses on her face and her hair in a messy bun, arms crossed around her chest.

"Hi baby, I'm quarantining myself with you!"
Alia said, nonchalantly. Ranbir almost choke on his own saliva.
"What- ?! I don't- what?!"

Deepika's frown grew even bigger. Who the fuck was this lady and why was she entering their place like this? What does she mean 'quaranting herself with us'?? Wait did she say 'baby'?!

Alia entered the flat. Ranbir hated it. He hated it so much. But at the same time, maybe it would get Deepika out of his mind. So he had let her enter.
"Alright so... Alia this is Deepika my roommate, and Deepika, this is Alia my g-girlfriend" Ranbir said, introducing them to each other. If you would have told his 5 years old self that one day he'd have to introduce his girlfriend to the woman he had accidenly fallen in love with, he would have stuck out his tongue out at you and would have walked away in laughters. But there he was.

Deepika felt dizzy as soon as he had prononced the word 'girlfriend'. So Ranbir had a girlfriend. And Ranbir's girlfriend was moving in with them. She felt like she could faint anytime but instead of showing any ounce of pain, she just smiled and held out her hand politely at the young lady.
Alia shook it happily and Deepika greated her the best she could at the moment.

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