Part 7

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Hi here is the new part!! I really hope that everyone is doing fine and that you're still enjoying this story!!
I love youuuu ❤️❤️

Quarantine day 72:

Deepika opened her eyes and was met with.. a light??
"AHHHH" Deepika screamed, pretty sure she was getting assaulted.
"Stay calm ma'am, you're in the hospital" the doctor said.
"What?! Why??" She asked, sitting up on the bed.
"You had a bad panic attack, your neighbor brought you here." The doctor explained.

"Wow, what even happened?" She asked, still a little stunned.
"I need to go, I have work to do and-" she added but got interrupted.
"No no no no, no working for you. You need to rest. Do you live alone?" The doctor asked.

Deepika looked a little dazed out as he mentionned it. She wanted to say yes but remembered that in fact, no.
"No I don't" she said in a low voice.
"You should move in somewhere or get someone at your place for a few days then. Do you want us to call somebody?"
Deepika hesitated. She didn't know who to call actually.

She gave them Kalki's number. She would do something to help her. She took the initiative to call her job.
She dialed Rishi Kapoor's phone number and took a deep breath as he picked up.

"Hi Mr Kapoor? It's Deepika here. I hope I'm not disturbing?"
"Not at all, Deepika. How are you doing?"
"Actually I had a little accident, I'm calling to tell you that the doctor said I couldn't really work for a few days.."
"Oh. Well it's okay, take some time to rest! How is the flat? I hope you still like it and that our Ranbir isn't being too disturbing"
"Actually.. hum.. I'm not living with Ranbir anymore Ji. I found a flat and I didn't want to be a burden for him any longer so.. yeah"
"Oh... well okay.. it's not a big deal.. well take care Deepika!"
He hung up. Just like that.

Deepika took a deep breath and bit her lip.
Kalki entered Deepika's room and smiled at her.
"What happened Deepu?? Doctors called me saying you needed someone and you had chosen me, wow I feel really famous" Kalki giggled.
"I'm fine Kalki"

Ranbir was watching an annoying TV show that was on. He had switched channels as he had seen Suits on and he just- he couldn't watch it without her. It wasn't the same.
He jumped at the sound of his phone ringing. He grabbed it and checked. It was his dad.
He frowned and answer, even though he didn't want to.

"Hi Pa" he said through the phone, with an annoyed voice
"Ranbir, how could you make someone go and live alone when there is a lockdown?? Do you want her to get in depression or something?? I know you weren't happy about getting a roommate but-"
"Wow wow wow wow Pa stop. First of all, I didn't make her leave, she decided to. And I made sure that she had all that she needed. Second of all, how do you even know that she moved out?" He frowned.
"Ranbir, she had a TERRIBLE accident and now she is in the hospital. If you had not let her go alone!!"
"What?!" Ranbir felt his whole body tense as he stood up from shock.

"W-what where is she??" He said completely panicked.
"I don't know, probably the closest hospital from her new place??"
Ranbir hung up on his father. He was completely freaked out. Oh God, how could he- he should have never let her go.
He grabbed his jacket, his phone and his keys and left, without mentionning a word to Alia, who he honestly completely forgot about in the moment.

He soon entered some hospital's ER and ran to the reception.
"Hello.. have you admitted a 'Deepika Padukone' in here?"
The woman searched on her computer and looked back at Ranbir.
"Yes Sir, however she is about to leave. Do you want to wait for her here?"
"Yes please. Thank you" he said, then sat on a chair of the waiting room.

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