Part 11

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Hi, how are the coolest readers on earthhhh? ☀️☀️🤗🤗
here is a new part for you loveliessss ❤️❤️
Thank you very much for everything you guys are the best for supporting me always 🥺🥺
Much love !!!!

Quarantine, day 146:

It was the evening. Ranbir was at his sister's for  the weekend. He actually had taken a week off and his sister had jumped on the occasion so that he could babysit Samara, his niece.

"Uncle Ranbiiiir" asked little Samara, while pulling his ear, a bit painfully if he was honest, though he was too proud to admit it to the 9-year-old.
"What's up Samara?" He replied to her in the same intonation.
"Who is it that you're textiiiing?" She asked sweetly.

Ranbir looked down at his phone. His text was still un-opened. He missed her a lot, and he hoped everything would be okay for her.
He had wanted to take her, so bad. Samara would have loved her, actually everyone would've loved her... but she was working that weekend, plus his father would have known immediatly if he had brought a girl to his sister's...

TO: Deepika ❤️
FROM: Ranbir ❤️
Hey little Deeps, I miss you a lot ❤️❤️ I wish you were here :(
Btw don't forget to buy soy milk!! 😘😘 Okay, I will call you when she falls asleep, love you

As she finally entered the empty flat with her groceries, Deepika closed the door and grabbed her phone, to find a super cute text from Ranbir. She sighed softly and poured as she read it. She felt a little sad that she had to spend her Friday night alone, but she understood perfectly. His sister needed him and everybody thought he had no one waiting for him home so... he had to. But that didn't help the fact that she was a bit sad.

Ranbir was cooking some pasta for Samara, Deepika's recipe. She had accepted to give it to him if he agreed to give her a huuuuge kiss, which he had obviously accepted.
Samara was playing Candy Crush on his phone when he heard her talking out loud.
"Friday is not the same without you, heart emoji, I miss you lov-"
What was she saying..? Oh God!!!! She was reading a text!!

"Samara what are you doing?" He said, asking for his phone back. He grabbed it and quickly checked.

TO: Ranbir ❤️
FROM: Deepika ❤️
Friday is not the same without youuuu ❤️ I miss you lover  😘 don't worry, I bought soy milk, silly 😂 Can't wait for your call🙏🙏

Ranbir smiled softly to himself as he read her text, how cute she was.
"Uncle Ranbir had a giiiirlfriend" Samara sang, giggling.
"What?! Absolutely not- she- she's just a good friend of mine" he shrugged, she couldn't really understand the text could she?
"Come on Uncle Ranbir, I'm not stupid. She writes hearts and she calls you lover" she said, a huge smirk on her lips as she looked at him insistently.

Ranbir frowned for a second then he finallh gave up.
"Fine... she is my girlfriend.. But don't tell ANYONE, okay?" he said, dead seriously, to the kid.
"Pinky promise!!" She said, as she linked her pinky with Ranbir's "Show me her picture uncle Ranbir pleaaaase" she smiled.

Ranbir couldn't help getting a little excited about that. He didn't have anyone to show her picture to, and little Samara was literally the only one to know about them now.
He grabbed his phone and showed her cute little pictures of the both of them.
"She is so pretty!!!! Does it mean that I have her genes?? My friend Devi said she was pretty because she had her mother's genes"
Ranbir frowned, trying to understand half of what the child was saying. He shook his head softly.
"No, no you don't have her genes, but you're really pretty as well" he chuckled, showing her more pictures.

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