Part 10

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Here we are again! Hi guys! How are you today?? I hope you will enjoy this part!! Much love to each and every of you! Don't forget to leave a little review!!

Quarantine, day 127:

They woke up to his alarm again. Deepika turned to him. Her eyes were sad this morning. She had wished to stay forever, to never leave his sides. She wished she could have the courage to tell him how she felt.
But she would never have that. He was way out of her league. Soon enough he would have a girlfriend again, and Deepika would be forgotten. She was just a friend, she knew it even though she didn't want to.

Ranbir just stared at her, as every morning. He would have given anything to stop time right where they were, in the silence of their souls communicating.
Deepika suddenly turned herself to face the ceiling. She sighed softly.
"They fixed the water" she just said.

Hearing the news, Ranbir faced the ceiling as well. He couldn't help but grab her hand.
Deepika's heart quickened, as if it wasn't fast enough already. She tightened her hand in Ranbir's one.

The day had been too short. Actually it was because Deepika had the afternoon free. She had came back to Ranbir's place and packed her bags. But she didn't want to leave. Not without having seen him at least. She decided to wait until he came home, so she made herself comfortable in the couch, in front of a movie.

Ranbir came home soon, too soon. Funny how the time always flown when all you'd wanted was to stay.
He didn't want her to go. He truly didn't want her to go. But he couldn't keep her here. So he decided to take her out.

He had ordered take away at some restaurant before coming back home. He wanted to surprise her. And so he came home, and picked her up.
They sat in the car, but Ranbir didn't drive in the right direction.

Deepika was confused, she didn't get what was going on.
"Ranbir.. You took the wrong road I think" she said softly, hoping not to offense him.
"Yeah I know, we have something to do first" He just said, driving.
"Oh- okay" she said, resting back on her seat.

They stopped on the parking lot of the restaurant, Ranbir got out, told Deepika to wait and she waited. He then came back with the food and he restarted the car.
Deepika smiled to herself, he had bought some food, how cute. It smelled amazing.

The car then stopped, and Ranbir opened Deepika's door, helping her out.
They were near the sea. The view was just incredible.
To be totally honest, Deepika had always felt impressed by the sea. It reminded her how insignificant she was and how beautiful the planet was. It brought her peace somehow.

They walked together, Ranbir holding Deepika's hand to guide her to some rock they were going to eat ontop of. Yeah because eating on the sand is just... yuck.

They finally sat down, on a rock. The view was absolutely amazing. And Deepika wasn't only talking about the landscape. Ranbir looked adorable. He always did.
They ate together, in silence. They didn't need to say anything. All they could hear were the waves.. and some music coming from people on the sand.

"Dance with me" Ranbir broke the silence. Deepika looked at him in the eyes and didn't answer.
"Please.." Ranbir added looking at her intensely.

They both stood up, Ranbir grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. The brunette wrapped her thin arms around his neck.
They just balanced their bodies on the rythm of the music. It's not what Deepika would have called dancing honestly, but it felt magical anyways. She had those intense butterflies in her stomach and goosebumps all over her body. Her heart was going wild. But she couldn't care less. It was all she had, in an hour she would be back home and she would have to get over him, for real this time, but right now, he was hers and she was his.

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