Part 12

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Hiiii!!!! How is everyone doing today?
I hope everyone is doing good🤩🤩
I'm in quarantine and bored, this is why i'm annoying you with my updates all the time 👉👈🥺 sorryyyy
I love you! Enjoy this chapter.
Quarantine, day 149:

Ranbir was taken aback. Oh shit.
It was Riddhima, Bharat and Samara, with their suitcases.
He managed an awkward smile anyway.
"Ohhhh what a surprise.. MY SISTER RIDDHIMA AND HER LITTLE FAMILY" he said in a fakely excited voice, as loud as possible to stay a tiny bit natural while making it audible for Deepika, that was still in his room.

And Deepika heard it. She obviously freaked out. She quickly got her stuff from his room and discreetly hid in the bathroom, with her clothes and her little bear, that was still wearing Ranbir's tshirt.

She was planning on disappearing somehow, but she couldn't find a way to do it discreetly. She was locked in the bathroom and didn't dare to make any moves. She could hear them talking in the living room. She was trying to catch a little sign from Ranbir.
"Ohhhh let me show you the balcony" she heard Ranbir say. As it was completely opposite the bathroom, Deepika took it as a sign to leave. She grabbed her bag with her stuff, her bear and opened the bathroom. As she tiptoed to the front door of the flat, she was met with two big eyes staring at her. Little Samara.

Deepika almost freaked out. She put a finger on her mouth to tell her to keep it quiet and not tell anyone.
The little girl kept on staring, her mouth dropping from the shock of seeing her in real, but Deepika couldn't care less. A few more steps to the exit and she was out.
She closed the door behind her and took a deep breath. It was not what was planned at all.
That was supposed to be her week.
They had had him for the weekend, it was her turn now. That was unfair.

Ranbir and the couple came back in and he served them a little drink.
"So... why are you here exactly?" He asked, trying to stay polite.
"Well, you told us you had a week off and we decided that you should not spend it alone, so we came for the week." Riddhima said.

Ranbir choked on his drink at this exact moment. The WHOLE WEEK??
"huh- yeah yeah okay, i will, show you the guest room? I'm just gonna check if it's clean hold on" he said, walking to what used to be Deepika's room.
Samara followed him jumping happily.
"Uncle Ranbiiiir" she said pulling his shirt.
"What's up?" He asked.
"I saw Deepika" she whispered, smiling widely at him as if she was revealing a big secret.
"Really? Where has she gone?" He asked, still whispering.
"I don't know, she left" Samara shrugged and went back to her game.

Deepika arrived at her own flat. It had been so long since she hadn't been here.
She arrived to her door and opened it. Except people were watching TV in her living room.
"What the actual fuck?!" She let out, making the people turn around. Deepika saw fear in their eyes as she frowned.
"M-maam hi- huh- you live here?"
"Well I thought so" Deepika said, crossing her arms. She was already annoyed enough for the day, this was getting a lot.

"Very sorry Ma'am it's just that my friend Abishek said we could stay here for a while" the man said, playing with his fingers.
"Abishek? The neighbor??" She frowned and the man nodded. This time Deepika had enough. She angrily knocked at Abishek's door.

The poor Abishek opened the door, probably not ready for the storm that Deepika had in her right now.
"Hey. What's your problem! Why the heck are there people in my flat" Deepika said, upset.
"Well you just weren't coming back so I thought I could make them stay here... Arjun and Aisha live in the streets and they are having a baby and-"
"What 'and' ?! This is my place you have no right to do this, I'm not your wife I will never be so now just stop, you don't pay the rent, I do" She said angrily, shutting the door as she turned back to Arjun and Aisha.

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