Part 6

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It's me, once again! How is everyone? I hope you are alright!! Here is the new chapter! I hope everyone likes it!! Much love ❤️❤️

Quarantine, day 60:

The morning came too fast. Or too slowly? Ranbir did not really know. He had found himself unable to fall asleep last night. This time he had definitely crossed the lines with Deepika. What had come over him? Kissing her like she was his, like he could do this. He hadn't even meant to do it, it just happened. As if his body was looking for a way to make her stay and that this was the only thing it had thought of.

That morning, he got up and made pancakes for them both. He was honestly scared to see her. He was scared that kiss had changed it all between them, that it would feel awkward and that he had ruined the beautiful friendship they had created. Most importantly, he hoped she wasn't mad at him, and that she would not think of him as a creepy ass boss trying to take advantage of his employee. Well, technically she was his father's employee but he was her superior anyway.

Deepika woke up feeling sick. She was leaving today. She did not want to. But she had to. Things were getting out of control, and Deepika needed control. She needed to feel that she was leading her life. The thing is that, she kissed Ranbir last night. She wanted to and then it happened. But she couldn't quite recall who had been kissing the other first. It was probably her.

Lately, she had been feeling all weird. Ranbir made her feel.. like she belonged exactly there and like she needed him to survive. She shouldn't get attached though.

Deepika walked out of her bedroom, messy as always, her hair in a bun, her glasses, a blanket on her shoulder and wearing nice socks.
Ranbir liked her the best this way. He smiled softly at her, not daring to look at her in the eyes after what happened last night.

Deepika smiled back. She really was not in the mood to rehash her last night's behavior... so she just pretended that nothing happened.
"Good Morning roomie!" She said happily, trying to be friendly (but probably doing a little too much)
"Good morning" Ranbir said more calmly.

"So.. I made you pancake for your last breakfast here" He added.
Deepika smiled and looked down, blushing softly.
"Thank you" she said, as Ranbir handed her a plate.
She sat down at the table and began eating, while going through her phone.
Ranbir was eating on the kitchen counter, staring at her. She looked really perfect.

They soon finished eating and begon moving her stuff from Ranbir's flat to hers.
They worked the whole day. Ranbir gave away some of his own furniture to her, such as the bed she had been sleeping in and closets and stuff. He just wanted her to be perfectly comfortable. Even without him.

The night unfortunately came too soon. They both felt almost sick to the stomach as Ranbir was driving Deepika to her flat, with the last bit of her stuff. It was already dark outside, and Deepika would be living on the other side of the city now. The ride was silent. None of them dared to say a word and their hearts felt so heavy.

They arrived at her new place at 9pm. Ranbir turned the car off and they both sighed in anticipation. They got out of the car, joined each other on the pavement and then just looked at each other. Deepika felt terrified.
"Alright, this is it then..." Ranbir finally said.
"Yeah.. do you want to come in maybe? We could have dinner or something?" She asked
"No, no don't worry about me" he said, smiling softly at her.

Deepika felt herself tearing up.
"Ranbir? Huh.. Thank you" she smiled, her eyes reddening a little.
"What for?" He asked.
"Just- everything. For having me, bearing with me for two months, giving me some of your stuff and helping me today you've just-.. you've been amazing and I can never give it back to you" she said on the verge of tears, her voice shaking a little.

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