Part 3

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Heyyyy!!!! New part!! I hope you will enjoy it! Let's get into it okay?? HAVE A GOOD DAY ❤️❤️

quarantine, day 11:

Ranbir woke up in a jump at the sound of a bell. He rubbed his eyes and then heard... a mantra? Yes a mantra. Deepika was doing a puja. At 6 in the morning. He frowned and went to have a quick shower.

He then quickly joined her, kneeling on the ground in front of Lord Ganesh. It was already near the end of it but he felt like he should pray with her.
Deepika smiled to herself as he joined. Her heart nearly skipped a bit. She hadn't meant to wake him up, but she was really grateful that he was awake and even more grateful that he wasn't mad. Instead he just joined her.

She turned to him and put some tilak on his forhead, a smile on her face. Ranbir closed his eyes, his hands together and he smiled softly, getting the tilak on. They then finished by the aarti.

Deepika finished the puja and tidied up her stuff.
"Sorry that I woke you up. I know you were tired." she said softly.
"Nah it's okay, it's your place as much as it's mine" he winked to her before walking to the kitchen.
Deepika smiled to herself again and walked to the kitchen to him.
"What do you want for breakfast?" Ranbir asked, looking up to her.
"I'll have the same as you" she simply replied.

And so every morning, that had become their ritual just as much as the dinner together infront of 'Suits'.

quarantine, day 15:

FROM: Alia
TO: Ranbir ❤️
Hey babe. I hope you're doing ok... you haven't been answering my calls at all and hardly ever my texts. Are you dead or sum?
Anyways. Text me back and let's facetime this afternoon. I love you

Ranbir rolled his eyes and turned his phone off. He had almost forgotten that he'd have a life outside of quarantine and Alia texting him reminded him of it. Of all the stress, all the pressure and of course, of all the hook ups. Who could blame him. It's not like he had ever stayed longer than a month with the same girl. It was the first time he'd stayed that long with someone. Well not actually. He had been ignoring her. She just wasn't as exciting as she used to be. He had more exciting things at home, who would've thought.

Speaking of the devil, he got out of his room to find Deepika, standing on a shelf trying to get a picture on the wall. Ranbir immediately noticed that she was losing her balance, and before he knew it, he was rushing to her, catching her in his arms before that she could hit the ground.
He put her back on the ground softly.

Deepika smiled at him.
"Wow, thanks!! Are you superman or something?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.
Ranbir giggled and went to grab his computer.
"I'm gonna be working all day today but, if you need ANYTHING, you come and ask ok?"
Deepika smiled, almost sadly, and nodded.

It was not like it was his due to stay with her or something. But she just felt sad. She had no reason to be. But she was.
Coming here the first time she thought it would be hard and that she and him would never get along. But she was wrong. They got along really well and honestly she was really bored when he was busy working or when it was his due for the grocery shopping. She enjoyed spending time with him much more than she had expected and he made her feel different somehow.

When she had finished cleaning (for the 6th time this week) she decided that just staying silent by his side wouldn't be so bothering. And she would feel less alone. She walked to his bedroom, feeling her heart beat faster and her palms getting humid. She felt anxious. She knocked softly before walking in. She was careful not to make any noise, not to disturb the call that was going on.
She entered his room. He was busy on his computer and he was also on a Zoom call with Deepika's big boss aka Rishi Kapoor and some other partners of them. The kind of people who would never even acknowledge her if she didn't live with Ranbir.

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