// 004 [old version]

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I woke up with my sister by my door, some time around 7:45 am, telling me they were leaving for the Sunday mass.

This was a weekly recurring thing for our family, I was used to it by now. Not that it made it any more pleasant, mass was always a dreaded event for me, even more now that I knew I would have to stay even longer in church for the said "communities service".

I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom I shared with my sister, outside my room, unfortunately. A few minutes later my mom knocked on the door.

"Son, we're leaving. If we don't see you there on time, you're father said he'll have a talk with you. Better be there by eight." She calmly warned.

"I'll be there, mom." I rolled my eyes, annoyed at how that was the first thing she said to me in the morning.

"I hope so." I heard her mutter from the corridor, going downstairs right after.

I got ready to go to church, not really putting that much of an effort and throwing on a simple white t-shirt with light colored ripped jeans, grabbing a matching jean jacket if I felt cold and accessorizing with a couple of silver earrings. I look in the mirror checking myself out and knowing that my look would unintentionally bother my parents.

I didn't do it on purpose, but me and my family's point of view clashed in some matters. There's nothing I could do about it to be honest and I wasn't going to change myself for their liking. I've done it when I was younger and I've never felt better ever since I stopped. But of course, there are some things I'm not ready to change just yet.

I grabbed a banana in the kitchen before making my way towards the church, knowing I would have a 10 minute walk until I got there and if I didn't rush and tried to make it in less time, I would be late again.

I ate my banana peacefully, feeling the cold breeze hit my skin, helping me get in more of a woken up state since I had no time to do it before as I was getting ready at a lightning speed so I wouldn't get scolded at 8 am. No one deserves that.

I finally saw the building with a cross a few meters away from me and ran for it since the deacons were starting to close the doors for the beginning of the ceremony.

"Wait!" I yelled, hoping they could hear me and thank God (oh the irony) they did, stopping their movements and looking at me kindly, waiting for me to get there.

Once I sat down on the last row to the left, I heard the doors closing behind me. I turned around to see the two deacons making their way to the front, where the priest stayed, mouthing a quiet "thank you" to them, received with small smiles.

As I turned back to face the front of the chapel I saw my parents and sister in the front row, talking to the Choi family. Unfortunately, they're church friends and from where the continuous comparisons with their son San started.

He was also at the front row, looking proud of being the ultimate perfect son for any parent, rubbing it in the face of the 'disappointment kids' like me.

Mass went on and on like it always did, seemingly never ending. So when I felt like I've had enough, I took my leave to the bathroom to kill some time. I did use the toilet but other than that I could say my time inside the room was rather unproductive. I starred at the mirror and gave myself a quick pep talk about how the mass would be over soon and the community service was going to be easy and soon enough I would be free of this hell.

What I wasn't counting on was that the stall that was closed during my monologue actually had someone inside, listening to every word I spoke.

"You were right about one thing, mass will be over in ten minutes." San spoke as he opened the door and left the little stall. "Other than that all I heard was bullcrap."

"You again, huh?" I scoffed. How lucky.

"You should be paying attention to the priest, it would help with that petty attitude." San looked me dead in the eye, with a dark glow the reeled me in, made me scared and excited at the same time.

"I don't think he can help me." I smirked seductively, knowing San wouldn't get my flirtatious tone and I was safe of any problems.

"You should go straight to the confessionary once mass is over." San continued in a prepotent tone, which only fueled my anger towards him and my growing desire to mess with the boy in front of me.

"Ok, dad." I scoffed, slowly walking towards him, stopping only when I was close enough to feel his minty breath hit my face. "What else should I do, since apparently you know everything."

His once widened eyes by our distance became the same anger filled eyes from before, the same dark glow messing with my self control. How could this freaking irritating man be so hot?

"You confess whatever you think you need to, from what I can tell, you've sinned a lot. That's sad, really." He spoke in a low tone, sarcastic to the bone.

This bitch sure knows how to get me angry. That's all you got Choi San? Time to retaliate.

I stepped even closer to him, the feeling of him flinching making me chuckle lowly. I approached my mouth to his neck, letting my hot breath hit him there once, before moving up to his ear, slightly touching my lips on him as I spoke seductively, enlacing my voice with velvet. "So sad, right? Can you please help me daddy, I've been naughty."

I heard him gasp and took that as my queue to leave the bathroom and head back to mass. But not before turning around on my way out of the bathroom, to see a shocked and widened eyed Choi San, still standing in the same place he was when I left.

I smirked in victory before returning to my sit and enduring the now 5 minutes we had left for the mass to be over.

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now