// 023 [old version]

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School went by much smoother than I thought it would have. Probably because there was no sight of a certain troublemaker walking around the corridors or during any of my periods. I didn't even seen him during lunch time, not that I was looking for him, anyway. I was actually glad my day was quiet and peaceful, unlike the war zone inside my head.

"San! San!" A desperate Hongjoong appeared in front of me as I was walking towards the changing room to get ready for last class of the day, P.E. "You've gotta help me, the teacher just asked me to be Wooyoung's math tutor! I can't-"

"No." I answered dryly, as I already figured out where this was going. "It's gonna be fine, what are you so afraid of?"

I laughed it off and entered the changing room, but Hongjoong was determined.

"Wooyoung's dangerous!" He exclaimed a little too loud, making the boys in the changing room look our way with sour faces. "I'm not going to tutor him!"

"I'll do it." I third voice made itself present in the conversation, making me and Hongjoong look to the left, only to find our teams goalie, Seonghwa, smiling at us. "I'll tutor Wooyoung. I'm pretty good at... what does he need help with?"

Huh? Something doesn't feel right.

"Math." I answered, frowning my eyebrows as I tried to understand the situation. Why would someone volunteer to be someone else's tutor when you don't know the person well nor what you will be teaching?

As if on cue, the topic of our conversation entered the changing room, an unexcited look on his face.

"Ah, there you are Joongie." Wooyoung chuckled. "Why did you run? I just needed help with some problems."

"S-sorry." Hongjoong spoke as he looked down. Did you Wooyoung bully Hongjoong? Because if he did... "Seonghwa will help you, though."

"What?" A surprised Wooyoung turned to look at our teams goalie. "Are you even got at math?"

"Hey! I'm smart, ok?" Seonghwa chuckled, probably to hide how offended he was, but his eyes didn't lie. "Anyway, here's my number, Wooyoung. We'll arrange the meetings by message, ok?"

"Great." Wooyoung smiled lightly, looking cute and happy. And that's when I realized I needed to snap out of it and pay attention to my own things, like getting ready for practice and messaging Jiwon.

Hey babe how are u?
Sorry I didn't sleepover last night
Smtg came up

"You could come over to my house tonight." I heard Seonghwa's suggestive tone towards Wooyoung, making me instinctively start paying attention to their conversation. "My parents won't be there until really late so you don't have to worry about anyone bothering us."

"Cool." Wooyoung smirked in return. "Do you think you'll be able to actually teach me anything?"

"Who knows." Seonghwa chuckled lowly, stepping closer to Wooyoung and that's when I noticed what time it was and how late for class I would be if I didn't start changing from my school uniform to my soccer uniform right away. So I just had to walk right in between Wooyoung and Seonghwa, who were blocking the changing room doors to go inside and do my thing.

I received a scoff from Wooyoung, but I had no idea why. This boy actually should be on his knees in front of me, begging for forgiveness, after practically forcing me to become uhm... not heterosexual.

And I should be trying to figure out what to do about Jiwon and the whole "hey I cheated on you with your brother thing" that I have going on right now.

How in the world was I able to fuck up so badly? And worst part is that it seems like I'm the only one freaking out, Wooyoung seems fine, like he doesn't even give a shit about what happened.

What the hell has my life turned into?

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now