// 035 [old version]

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"Yes, daddy." Wooyoung bit his lip as he crawled towards me on bed, straddling me with a mischievous grin on his face.

So fucking hot.

Apparently Wooyoung decided to tease me more, looking me straight in the eye and sucking on his middle and ring finger; putting on a little show as my mind went exactly were he wanted, having to avert my eyes from him to hold myself together and not fuck him right then and there, since supposedly prepping had to be done first.

He seemed pleased at my reaction, giggling at my unsettled state and putting some lube on his fingers, starting the so called 'prep' as I observed his actions, getting unexpectedly more aroused than I though I would. Bitting on my bottom lip as I slid my hand over my cock, touching myself and matching my rhythm with Wooyoung's.

"Such a little whore for me." I groaned at the sight of the boy touching himself on top of me, his hand working behind his back in a slow and steady motion and his head tilted backwards as soft moans started leaving his lips.

"Okay, I'm done- ngh." Wooyoung whined impatiently, his actions not matching his words as he continued thrusting his fingers inside, his eyes rolling in pleasure. "I need you now, please."

"Fuck, Wooyoung." I let my thoughts come out loud as I flipped us over, my eyes scanning the bed in a hurry as I looked for the condom, getting irritated as I couldn't find that damn piece of rubber, which was the only thing preventing me from literally fucking Wooyoung. "Where are you, you piece of shit?"

"I think you threw me on top of it." Wooyoung chuckled as he arched his back and put his hand under, fishing for the condom and smiling as he showed me newfound item. "Here."

"Thanks, doll." I murmured as I took the condom from in between his fingers, biting on the corner of the foil envelope and ripping the package open. I carefully put the condom on, adding some lube to my hand and jacking off to the sight of Wooyoung laying on bed with his legs open for me, his hole clenching and unclenching as if he was pleading me to fuck him.

"Can I?" I asked climbed on top of Wooyoung, aligning our bodies once again, his legs flying to hug my hips. He didn't bother answering me, his lips eagerly meeting mine as soon as our faces were close enough. I moaned in surprise, letting myself melt under his touch and wait until he told me he was ready.

I shifted my weight on my elbows, which were holding me up, so that my hands could reach Wooyoung's hair, caressing the captivating boy underneath me as we kissed.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Wooyoung whispered, closing his eyes. Something in me telling me he was actually nervous about this.

"I'll be gentle, promise." I tried sounding reassuring. "Just relax, ok?"

"Okay." He answered with a small smile as he shifted his weight, making himself comfortable on the bed, his hands lazily caressing my back.

I switched my attention back to the point where our bodies where millimeters away from meeting each other's, finally taking the courage to slowly thrust forward, feeling the tightness of his hole around my tip, driving me crazy at how tight it felt.

"Is this ok?" I asked him, unsure if he was enjoying it due to his silence.

"You can put more." Wooyoung nodded, as he gave me permission to continue. So I did, stopping midway since I was not necessarily trying to make it pleasurable, at least to me, I was trying to get used to the sensation first. There were to many thoughts going through my head, the prevailing one being:

"So fucking tight for me." I groan. "Are you ok, princess?"

I gazed at Wooyoung under me, our eyes meeting briefly before he broke contact, his face heating up. "Y-yeah. I didn't expect you to be that big, to be honest."

I chuckled at his confession, my ego getting the best of me as I pulled my hip backwards and pushed it lightly forward, slowly thrusting my whole cock inside him.

"Holy fuck, San." Wooyoung moaned, his legs pressing around my hips in support as he arched his back. "Do that again."

I did exactly as he asked, pulling my hips backwards  and slowly thrusting inside Wooyoung again, feeling his tightness swallowing me.

"So good." Wooyoung shivered. "Now try moving your hips a little... to hit the right spot, you know?"

No, I don't. There's a right spot for man, too?

I wondered as I thrusted once again, suddenly getting mad at my lack of knowledge. Where's the right spot, Wooyoung?

I kept doing it as I was told, in a slow and steady pace, huffing in annoyance with myself by the lack of positive reaction Wooyoung was giving me. I mean, he looked and sounded like he was enjoying it, but it didn't seem like I had gotten it right yet.

"Try angling up." Wooyoung suggested; at this point starting to make me feel a little embarrassed. I shook my head, trying to get out of that headspace, concentrating back on reality and the fact that I was literally having sex with another man and even worse, savoring every second of it and how tight he felt around me.

The way Wooyoung's body felt against mine, the small coat of sweat forming in our bodies, the hot temperature, the lewd noises escaping our mouths, how Wooyoung looked at me with his mouth open and so much desire in his eyes.

I couldn't focus too much though, a loud banging on Wooyoung's door making both of us turn our heads towards the noise in lightning speed, getting alarmed by the interruption.

"Wooyoung!" A male's voice yelled out over the booming music from outside of the room, turning the door handle and failing to open the locked door. "I know you're there!"

"Oh shit, Yunho." Wooyoung whispered to me, as if that would help with anything. "What do I do?"

"Tell him to leave."

"I can't just-"

"Wooyoung!" The same guy yelled again, banging on the door and making me roll my eyes in anger by the uncalled for obstruction of sexual pleasures, also known as a fucking cock blocker. "I turned around and you disappeared, are you smoking on your own?"

"Get him to leave, now." I grunted, my patience decreasing with each repetitive knock on the door. "I'm giving you three seconds."

"What?" Wooyoung looked at me like I was crazy, his eyes wide as he tried to form some words to get out of his mouth. "How do you expect me to-"

"Three." I started counting, trying to speed up the process, since Wooyoung seemed stunned by the situation.

"Wooyoung! I'm gonna burst your door down if you don't answer me, you bitch!"

"Two." I raised my eyebrows, locking eyes with Wooyoung in expectation for his reply to the guy. "Just say you're busy, princess."

"I-uhm..." Wooyoung finally got out of his scared state, adjusting the volume of his voice as he talked back to his friend. "I can't talk right now, Yunho!"

"Oh, so you really are there!" The boy on the other side of the door laughed. "Why not, huh?"

"I'm kind of busy!" Wooyoung started sounding more serious, probably getting annoyed with his friend as well.

"Busy?" His friend continued, not giving up. "Oh... I think I know what's up, you naughty boy."

"Yunho, not now!"

"You know what? I didn't see Soo Ah downstairs either..." Yunho's laugh could be heard from outside. Wooyoung rolled his eyes at his friend making the wrong assumptions, while I got reminded of his little performance from earlier.

"Oh, Soo Ah?" I glanced at the door and then back at Wooyoung, his hands gripping my arms as if he knew what I was thinking and was trying to hold me back. "Unfortunately for you, doll, he's still out there... but you're time has run out."

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now