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I still had some time before dinner.

I glanced at the clock, indicating it was 6:15 pm. Jiwon was nowhere to be seen and I was unaware if San was really coming. Would this really work?

I wondered if Jiwon would be ok with him just showing up out of nowhere... In the end, it would be good for them to work things out since San didn't actually do anything wrong and of course, I would be free of this mess of "agreement", as San called it.

But I had to admit I wasn't looking forward to seeing this guy more often, he was acting like a piece of shit towards me, whether I deserved it or not. I didn't even want to look at his stuck up face anymore, it just made me irritated and that's not how I wanted to feel on a daily basis. Life's already hard enough as it is, I don't need Choi San making it worse.

I decided to call Yeosang to kill some time as I waited for Jiwon to get home. Even if San didn't show up, I had to talk to her about what happened and apologize for how I acted at the dinner and messed it up. She at least deserved the truth to make her own decisions on whether to keep her relationship or not.

"Hello?" I heard Yeosang on the other side of the line, sounding tired.

"Were you sleeping?" I laughed as I paced around in my room.

"Yes." I heard him take a deep breath. "What happened?"

"Nothing, I'm bored." I shrug, even though he can't see me.

The line goes silent for a while and I patiently wait for his answer, wondering if I called at a bad time.

"Sangie...?" I tried, getting anxious as there was no sound in return.

That was, until I heard I small snore. I giggled at friend and hung up the phone, deciding to call him on a different time. Unfortunately, my killing time idea didn't work, so I had to think about another one.

I made my way towards my hidden stash of weed, smiling as I took the small bag with everything I needed from my school bag inside the closet and started the peaceful process of rolling my joint. This would do.

I finished it up a few minutes later, finding the task therapeutic even. I kept my lighter and my blunt in my pocket and got the rest of the utensils back in the hidden spot before I could forget about it and cause a mess. At least I was thoughtful over the whole smoking thing, I knew my family would be devastated if they found out. And I would probably be disowned.

I skipped my way downstairs, whistling a random melody in anticipation as I made my way to my backyard, careful not to leave any smell inside the house, after all that would be a dead giveaway.

I lit the joint, inhaling the smoke and closing my eyes, letting the small breeze hit my face. The herbal essence made it's way to my nostrils, the strong scent unmistakable. I continued on drawing in the smoke, letting the calmness of the light drug fill my system.

Time passed by and I glanced at the clock on my lock screen, hoping to see it indicating it was already close to eight, but I was pretty wrong. It was still seven and I had too much time on me. Only half an hour had passed and at the same time, it felt like an eternity. I had quite the pleasant time to think in that small amount of time as I watched the sky rapidly turn from orange and pink to a star filled dark blue.

So my already high mind might not have made the smartest decision when I decided to smoke another joint while I waited. Even more so since I hadn't eaten much the whole day.

But fifteen minutes later, there I was in the backyard again, with a newly rolled one on my hand and a silly smile on my face. I put the joint between my lips, and getting ready to light it, but stop once I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Oh shit did I sleep in the middle of the call?
My bad Woo
Do u wanna talk?

I start laughing while reading Yeosang's texts, clapping my hands as I remembered the snores coming from the other side of the line earlier. I let the blunt slip from my mouth and it hits the floor in a second, making me squat down in the speed of light to pick it up, thanking whoever that it wasn't lit yet, taking advantage of my now comfortable sitting position to light it up, covering the lighter with one of my hands, so the wind wouldn't come in the way.

Your snores are loud
Relax hahah
I'll call you later

I put my phone back in my pocket and draw the smoke, repeating the same process I did with the first joint, feeling the effects much faster now.
Time was slowing down and my mind was getting hazy. I felt like a statue that sometimes would shake, if that's even a thing, it just felt like a current of electricity would run through me and my body had to shiver. A weird, but familiar feeling of being high out of my mind. Maybe smoking a second joint without properly eating the whole day wasn't the smartest idea, but I was most definitely relaxed.

I stood there for god knows how long, until it started to feel really cold. Granted, it was November and I didn't bring a coat outside, but I was aware my body was sending me signals that something wasn't right. Or was is just a bad trip? Either way, it stopped being fun and I was getting worried for myself as I began shivering more often and my heartbeat was becoming gradually louder inside my head.

Fuck this shit. I'm stronger than this, I'm Jung Wooyoung. Two joints aren't enough to bring me down.

I draw the remaining on the joint, smoking what I could before it eventually ended and I had to dispose of it. I crawled my way inside the house, too high to actually stand up and walk without help and made my way to the restroom downstairs, disposing of the joint in the toilet and flushing.

Go far far away my dear friend, never come back.

Jesus, I'm high. Fuck me, I can't even properly open my eyes, that last one was a killer.

I lie on the living room floor, taking a breath as the whole room feels like it's spinning, making me slightly worried, since that's probably means I smoked a little too much. Will I be ok? How long will it feel like this?

I think I might have ended up sleeping on the living room floor, because the next thing I know I'm waking up to the door bell ringing.

"Fuck." I breathed out, knowing I had to leave and hide inside my room, I was in no condition to socialize.

Just thinking about having to make a slight movement made me anxious, since even after my nap, my head was still spinning like crazy.

"Wooyoung?" I recognized San's voice coming from the other side of the door, making me slightly more relaxed.

Thank God it's not someone else.

"Open the door!" I scream in a high pitch, unaware of how much strengh I still had, since I was feeling like trash.

I heard the sound of the door opening and closing and San's steps sounding closer and closer. His surprised voice gave away his presence in the room.

"What the fuck?" He said in a low tone, starring at me laying down on the living room floor.

I agreed, I probably looked like a weirdo. But that's not what I was worried about at the moment.

"If I tell you what happened you have to promise not to be mad at me." I started, with a small smile on my face, my eyes closed as I tried to control the spinning of the room.

"Uhm-" San tried talking, but I interfered.

"Not giving you much of an option. Just listen and help me, ok?"

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now