// 012 [old version]

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I didn't sleep well that night. My head was filled with preoccupation about the whole 'San finding out my secret' situation. He told me to trust him, but how could I? We're not close, I don't really know the guy to know if he would keep his promise or not.

Also, I had no idea if I would even be able to convince Jiwon to get back with him. She has a thick skull, once she's set on something it's really hard to make her change her mind about it. I guess we're alike in that sense, Jung's stubbornness.

My father's little display of harsh words and violence wasn't unusual, so I wasn't that bothered. Although it would be a lie to say it didn't hurt me inside and out.

So the little sleep I had and the fucking marathon of thoughts I had going on definitely put me in a bad mood as soon as my eyes opened in the morning.

So I didn't really think about what I was doing when I saw San across the hall in school, talking to his friends as they all were laughing about something and looking in my direction. I didn't really think what I was doing when I shoved San on the locker.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I spoke before he had a chance to understand what was going on.

He looked at me confused at my outburst in front of the whole school, people already starting to gather around for what they thought would turn into a fight between the prince and the troublemaker.

"Hey, calm down." He tried, maintaining his tone friendly and trying not to cause a scene.

Particularly, I didn't give a fuck about the people watching, I just cared about what he told his friends to make them all laugh while looking at me.

"What were you talking about?" I whispered, since he would be the only one close enough to hear me. I couldn't let anyone else see me vulnerable. Even as I felt exposed, my eyes were still sharp as I stared into his.

"Chill, man." He put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it softly, letting me know everything was fine. It actually helped me calm down and take a step back. "I was just telling them about our church's volunteer program and how lost you were."

"I overreacted, sorry." I whispered once again, now looking everywhere but his eyes. The crowd that had once formed had now vanished, leaving the corridor empty, with no one around besides me, San and his friends.

"It's all good." He smiled, patting my back once again.

His friends stared at the both of us with confusion written all over their faces. And to be honest, this new found alliance was confusing to me too.

"You guys go ahead, I have a few things to settle with Wooyoung and I'll meet you on class." San spoke to HongJoong, Seonghwa and Jongho.

"Ok..." Seonghwa spoke not looking fond of the arrangements. "Don't be late."

They left after waving San a small goodbye and I turned my attention towards the boy in front of me, unaware of what he wanted to say.

"First of all... give me your number." He said as he raised his palm up, waiting for me to place my phone on it. "That way you can keep me updated on how Jiwon's doing and also about our little agreement."

Oh, of course. It all goes back to Jiwon.

I should be able to talk to her today. Yesterday I couldn't even get close to her room without receiving a screaming 'leave me alone!' as an answer. Hopefully today she's feeling a little better.

I hand San my phone and wait for him to save his number. Not particularly excited with the new contact on my phone, since I would only talk to him about my sister, which is kinda uncomfortable to be honest.

So as I chewed on my strawberry flavored gum and rolled my eyes at the sloth speed San was typing his number on my phone, a loud and distracted Yunho became the center of my attention from the other side of the corridor.

"Oh, no, no, no..." I whispered in as if it was a mantra, grabbing San by the wrist and speed walking to the closest male's bathroom, getting inside the bathroom and then inside a stall, just to be safe.

"What the fuck, Wooyoung?" San began complaining. "That was something else I wanted to speak to you about, there's-"

My hands flew to his mouth stopping whatever he was saying as I heard the bathroom door opening. Could be anyone. And right now, my not so well thought out plan just made it harder for both us as guys to get out of the same stall without raising questions. So we would have to wait until there was no one in the bathroom to be able to leave. Just great.

One look at San and I could tell he had already figured that out too, because he looked livid. The air shifted in the small cubicle we were currently inside, turning to a tense and uncomfortable situation, an awkward vibe starting to settle as we had to stay still not to make any noise and had nothing to do but look at each other or nothing at all.

But what I could also feel was San's angry mood growing as well. All though I wasn't able to make an assumption as to why, my questions would have to wait until everyone left for their classes in a few minutes since school is already about to start.

My intention in hiding here in the first place is because I didn't want to explain to my friends that my sister was dating Choi San, that's too humiliating for me. My friends know what I've been through so having to admit that the enemy is now my sister's lover is a bit too much for now.

As soon as the bell signaling the beginning of the first period went off and the bathroom became silent, San flew out of the stall and the bathroom in lightning speed, probably running to his classroom and trying not to get a mark for being late. As expected for the top student.

As for me, I peacefully made my way to the back of the building, meeting my friends already waiting on the outside, where we always came for a smoke. Mingi was the first to light the joint, and passing it to Yunho, who then passed to Yeosang, who passed to me. As I was pulling in the air, my phone pinged, signalizing a text message coming in.

My surprised self gave another hit before giving the joint back to Mingi and concentrating on finding out who was texting me right now if all of my best friends were in front of me.

Jiwon's boyfriend:
Meet me on the soccer field during lunch

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now