// 008 [old version]

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On sundays we always had mandatory family dinners. Since our parents were away for most of the week due to their jobs as doctors, sunday nights were the only ones we would usually be able to spend together.

Not that I thrived for the family reunion, since it always ended with my family ganging up against me to tell me how problematic I was.

So as I went downstairs when my mom announced Jiwon's arrival, my mood was already not a good one to begin with. I sat on the dinning table, waiting for the rest of the family to join; the sooner this ended the better.

"C'mon on in, dear." I heard my mom's overly sweet voice from the living room.

Wait, did we have company?

"Oh my god, darling!" My mom called my dad. "Looks like our dear baby girl has found herself a boyfriend! A perfect one at that!"

Jiwon has a what?

That peaked my interest, my head moving to the side as I tried to get a peak of the people in the living room. I could hear my mom speaking in an overly excited manner to welcome Jiwon and her boyfriend inside the house and into the kitchen.

You see, I might not have the closest brother and sister bond with Jiwon, but that doesn't mean I won't care for her in my own way and be a good overprotective brother. That's the least I can do.

So I was as attentive as I can get with this topic being brought up to our once before regular family dinner. Did she meet someone in college? I had to make sure this is was a good guy for her, someone that wouldn't try to use her and could make her happy and treat her right. A decent guy.

I looked down to my plate, managing to looke unbothered but still eavesdropping on the conversation being made as the steps grew closer to the dinning area. I tried pulling in as much information as I could to what type of guy that could be, but I was coming up empty handed as it seemed like the guy didn't even need to introduce himself.

"Wooyoung, say hello to your soon to be brother in law." My dad said, as he landed a hand on my shoulder gripping it slightly. "Could you be polite, for once?"

"Nice to meet you, I'm-" My voice gets stuck inside my throat as I look up and meet a shocked Choi San, staring at me, his shocked expression mirrored by me. "You!"

I point my finger at him, rising from my seat at the table in a second, managing to knock the chair down in the process. No fucking way.

"What the fuck is this?" I continue, storming towards San and grabbing him by the collar of his black sweater. "So you're the one fucking my sister, huh?"

"Wooyoung!" I heard my mom's horrified yell. "Get of off him right this instant!"

My dad leaves me no room to do so, as he took matters in his own hands and grabbed both of my shoulders and forcefully shoved me away from the brand new golden trophy of the family.

San was still frozen in his spot at the dinning room door, probably overwhelmed by the situation happening before him. His eyes wandering between me and my sister, finally putting the puzzle pieces together.

"Wooyoung, you're grounded. Do you hear me?" My dad's voice booms in anger, making me shrink in my place. "Don't you dare try anything else for the rest of dinner."

"Yes, sir." I lower my head, knowing better than to fight back.

"Are you dumb?" That was Jiwon's turn to talk. "Apologize to San, right now!"

That was the first time I paid attention to Jiwon since this whole thing began, she was fuming. She looked so mad and disappointed, I almost felt bad... if only the person she brought home as her boyfriend was anyone but that self centered rude bastard, this dinner would've been a lot different.

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now