// 002 [rewritten]

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"Wooyoung!" His peaceful slumber slowly crumbled away, muffled noises becoming clear, the darkness of unconsciousness beginning to fade into filtered light behind his eyelids, the sudden notion of a warm hand on his shoulder and an insistently annoying shake to his body. "It's past midday, wake up. Be productive."

"It's Saturday, noona." He groaned, raspiness in the voice that was easily mistaken for having just woken up. But Wooyoung knew the actual cause, his throat dry from all the smoking he did on the night prior, the momentary lack of strength on his vocal chords serving as a reminder of his incredibly frustrating attempt at crashing a party.

"Does it matter?" Jiwon walked further away, out of her brother's room as she deemed her job to wake him up was done. "You'll have to order food, there's nothing on the fridge and I'm going out. Bye!"

Wooyoung was left alone in his semi-conscious state after that, the lull of sleep flirting with his will as he weakly contemplated if he should just go back to sleep or wake up right away.

It was a sequence of phone messages that woke him up later that day.

[U up?]
[The boys are going out for lunch]
[Wanna come?]

Wooyoung sighed, stretching his arms to wake his body up, muscles painful from his rough sleep. Quickly grabbing his phone and typing back an answer to his best friend.


He threw his feet out the side of the bed, limbs and mind still heavy from the after effects of the marijuana that had activity circulated on his body the night before. His tired moves were mechanical as he made his way to the shared bathroom he and his sister used, her makeup products splashed across the sink counter, the postproduction of her dolling up in a rush.

He ignored it with an eye roll, deciding it wasn't worth getting worked up over and he could simply remind her later to clean up the mess, heading straight to his much needed shower. The droplets of warm water on his skin renewing his energy as they cleaned the reminiscent of his bad mood from the events of the previous night.

The all-black outfit he decided to wear was his way of paying homage to his hangover, externalizing his soreness and current sourness.

I can't believe he actually threw me out of the party.

The thought of the disgusted look on San's face bringing out a scoff from Wooyoung, easily tempered by the other's crude behavior.

I feel bad for the girl he ends up with.

The walk to the barbecue restaurant Yeosang had sent a link to was a short fifteen minute walk. Wooyoung's thoughts filled up the time as the November fall breeze brushed on his skin, the wind starting the get colder but yet to get unbearable. His eyes fell closed as the peaceful sound of leaves crushing under his feet started creating a pattern, small smile making it's way to his face as he enjoyed the weather.

Will I miss this place?

It was a small fragrances shop that peaked his interest back to his surroundings, a mix of floral and musk faintly leaking from inside the off-white, luxurious looking walls, big glasses adorning each side of the black entrance door, Maison de Parfum in a fancy gold above.

And Wooyoung's feet were making their way inside before he consciously made his decision to do it, led by his attraction to the scents and pretty bottles, eyes wondering around the unfamiliar shop, torn in between following his nose to the female section or saving face by pretending to be interested in the other side, where the male perfumes were.

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now