// 009 [old version]

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"Baby, please open the door!" I begged as I continuously knocked on Jiwon's bedroom door. "It's all a misunderstanding, I swear! Just hear me out!"

My thoughts were a mess, part of me afraid of losing Jiwon over such nonsense and the other part ready to murder Wooyoung for being the cause of this turmoil.

"I guess things weren't meant to be." I heard the voice I least wanted to and a frown unconsciously made it's way to my face.

I turned my head to the right, watching Wooyoung as he came up the stairs with a cocky smile, like he owned the world. His fluffy black hair bounced elegantly with the steps, in contrary to his eyes, which were fixed on me. But he was not the Jung I was seeking attention from.

"Jiwon, please! Just listen to me!" I continued trying, turning around to face the white wooden door once again.

"San, we're over ok." I heard her sweet voice finally reply from the inside the room. She sounded like she was crying, which only frustrated me even more. "You cheated, we're done."

"No, no! Jiwon, I didn't. That-" I tried explaining the situation once again, my hands running through my hair as I became overwhelmed with everything that happened since I walked into Jiwon's house. That was supposed to be a sweet, happy dinner.

"Sorry, bro." Wooyoung gave me a pat on the back as he walked up behind me, straight to his room. The way he rolled his eyes and had a small smile on his face gave away the fact that it was a lie he had no problem in letting out.

You're not sorry, you caused this. Fake fucker.

"This is all your fault, you piece of shit!" I turned my focus to the root of the problem, following him inside his room. "Do you know what kind of level of fucked up this is? My relationship is on the line!"

"Good." He joked. "I don't want you dating my sister."

Wooyoung leaned on the wall inside his room with his arms crossed. One of his eyebrows perched up as he looked at me in a challenging way, as he licked his lips seductively.

"What you're gonna do about it?" He chuckled, unlocking his arms and leaving them by his side, letting go of the defensive stance he had on and acting like he's got everything figured out. "Maybe you should go back to church and pray? Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness? Because there's no way a cheater will date my sister."

"You!" I felt a rush of anger flowing through me as I stormed in his direction and pressed him against the wall, my hands of both sides of his head. "You have no idea what you're talking about, you dumbass."

"Oh, I don't?" He smirked challenging me, his eyes locked on mine, making me remember his seductive banter from earlier. His voice sounding a little raspier when he talked again. "Then why are you being like that?"

He raised his surprisingly dainty and smooth finger up, placing it on my collarbone and trailing it up my neck slowly making me shiver at the light touch. His eyes wandered along his finger, tracing where he was going.

I was unexpectedly calm with the whole situation, enjoying the caress even, until his finger went to my jaw and he decided to break the silence.

"Should I also tell Jiwon about how you are constantly harassing me? Pushing me and trying to hurt me?" His voice sounded velvety, but it was purely venomous.

My face twisted in anger at the question, as I knew damn well it was a lie. His hand dropped by his side once again and I felt a sudden coldness from where his delicate hand once was.

I felt my jaw tightening, the unrealistic feeling of the whole situation making me lose my temper. The once light aura in the room was now filled with tension, as we threw daggers in each other's eyes.

"That's not true and you know it." I spat, daring him to go against me.

"Well, too bad Jiwon doesn't. Who do you think she'll believe?" He smiled innocently, looking at me with big doe eyes, fluttering like those from a kid who doesn't know evil.

My hand flew to his neck unannounced, ready to end his little game of control. Wooyoung gasped for air as I pressured his neck a little. His fake innocent act now gone as he stared deeply in my eyes, the tension in the room indescribable as we both looked like we're ready to throw a punch.

"Fuck you." I smiled calmly, which seemed to scare Wooyoung. "I pushed you away a couple of times, yes. But I never meant to hurt you, you were never hurt."

"Well, Jiwon doesn't know that now, does she?" He chuckled lowly since his throat was constricted.

Well, at least he was still trying to look like he had some kind of upperhand in the situation, because it was easy to tell that he wasn't even trying to struggle out of my choke hold.

"I think that if her dear younger brother cries for her help because she went out with his bully, she-"

"You wouldn't..." I cut him off, pressing my hand around his neck with an even stronger grip, trying to scare him away of doing something like that.

What I wasn't expecting was the sensual groan that came out of Wooyoung, which he seemed to try to contain by bitting his lower lips. What the hell was that?

The sound he made echoed in my mind as I felt my blood rushing to places it shouldn't be so going at that moment. This wasn't supposed to happen.

Wooyoung looked vulnerable under my gaze for the first time as his face became beet red and his eyes wandered all over his room avoiding me. It didn't look like he knew what had happened either.

My curiosity got the best of me as my anger was now clouded by the repeating sound of Wooyoung's groan in my head, like a broken record.

So I tried once again, getting closer to his face and letting my hot breath hit his mouth, my eyes scanning his face as I choked him a little harder to watch for his reaction. And instead of a contorted face of agony I hoped for, Wooyoung simply licked his lips slowly, almost teasing me as he noticed my eyes glued to his mouth, one side of lip raising in a smirk, his eyes flying towards mine and oozing lust as he stared right back at me.

I couldn't fully comprehend the situation... why would he react this way? What kind of person would react this way while being choked? Why was body sending me signals that it also enjoyed it?

As I observed Wooyoung in curiosity, I could see his eyes wandering to my lips in temptation. His quick minty breaths hitting close to my face, his hands suddenly grabbing my sweater in an attempt to pull me closer. I snickered, particularly feeling entertained by his sudden neediness.

"So you like being choked, huh? You little whore." I whispered in his ear, enjoying the way my hot breath on his neck made him shiver.

I received a quiet moan in return and his hips buckling up to meet mine, his member already hard from that interaction.

He was like that because of me?

I could smell his sweet scent in the close proximity, intoxicating my senses as I felt myself also wanting to get even closer to Wooyoung, nuzzling my face on his neck, breathing in his sweet vanilla scent.

Wooyoung let out a quiet whimper as he continued buckling up his hips to meet mine with slow grinds. I felt myself getting aroused by the arrogant boy and how desperate he was for my touch. The friction, Wooyoung's sexual noises, his sweet scent, the tension in room, the whole situation was getting me out of my mind. Tempted over something, someone I shouldn't be.

And that was when it hit me.

What the hell was I doing?

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now