// 027 [old version]

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What a great day to be alive.

School was almost over, the minutes seeming to pass by slower the more I wanted them to go by faster. I sighed, propping my face on my right hand and gazing outside the classroom.

My mind wandered to my conversation with Seonghwa the day before, when we planned on how to introduce him to Yeosang. I pleaded him not to seek any romantic feelings towards my best friend, since I knew for a fact Yeosang was not interested in men. Unfortunately I had to hear him rant about his distaste in homosexual relationships a couple of times before, when the topic was mentioned.

Seonghwa was aware of this, but remained quite persistent on making friends with him. I agreed to help him out, under the condition that my sexuality remained hidden at all costs. Therefore, we had created a master plan to get them close and it would start tonight.

I slid my phone out of my pocket, keeping it under the desk so the teacher wouldn't see the device. I knew doing this didn't actually hide anything, but at least I wasn't being too obvious and flashing my phone for the teacher to see.

4 take 1 hit

We're getting high today
No excuses

Why would there be excuses
To such an offer
Your honor

My dogs sick

Ffs mingi

Whatever, we don't need him

Nvm my dog got better wow

What dog man 👨
Im in

Evryone at the park near my house at 7

"Mr. Jung." I immediatly lowered my phone and snapped my head up like I wasn't doing anything wrong, eventhough the school had a pretty strick rule of no cell phones during class. The teacher had her eyes turned directly at me, with a pretty unamused face. "Do you want a detention slip?"

"No, miss." I sat upstraight, putting my phone back in my pocket quickly and placing both of my hands on the table, so the teacher could see I had gotten rid of the forbitten item. She nodded at me and moved on with the lesson, reajusting the glasses on her nose with a smug look. I chose to not cause any more trouble in school so now I had to bear with it. I rolled my eyes and exhaled sharply, cursing under my breath. "Undicked old bat."

Thankfully the chemestry period was the last one of the day and the bell rang only a few minutes after I started pretending to pay attention. With my dad's recent scoldings, I couldn't risk having anymore issues related to school. I already had to do church service and tutoring, that was enough inconvinience for the time being.

"Seonghwa!" I called out on the crowded hallway as I saw the pretty boy walking away without paying attention to his surroundings.

Some people gave me a dirty look for practically screaming on the hallway, while Seonghwa stopped on his tracks, looking around for me. Well, it worked. It's not my fault my voice is naturally loud.

"Here!" I waved my hand as I made my way towards him, pushing away the people that were being uncooperative. "Out of my way, thanks."

"Did you do it?" Seonghwa asked as soon as I stood in front of him, his eyes sparkling in anticipation. "Did it work?"

"Calm down, Jesus." I laughed as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, obviously not being able to calm down. "Yes, it worked. Let's go home now."

"Yes!" He smiled widely, stepping to my side and swinging his right arm over my shoulder. I looked at him, giggling at his now over confident state as we began striding to the school exit.

We made our way to my house, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one home yet and going up to my room to roll up the joints we would smoke later that night. Our plan of making Seonghwa become Yeosang's friend wasn't actually that complicated, we just thought of creating Yeosang's most favorable environment, so he wouldn't be to closed off when a new element came into his bubble.

The first step consisted of me convincing the boys to go out tonight, which was successfully done. I'll just bring Seonghwa with me to the park when it's time to meet them. Yeosang will be with his other friends so he'll be fine.

Then we would go out to have some dinner, Yeosang's favorite. Food will make him happy and we will all be ready to smoke as much as we want without having to worry about low blood pressure. Was I traumatized by last time? Maybe.

Third step is simple, getting high. Yeosang likes that and I like that. Perfect Friday night activity.

And number four, going wherever our stoned selves take us. This would make Yeosang have a pleasant time around Seonghwa and then bam, they're friends.

"Ok, we're done." I got up to put away my little bag with my supplies, hiding it in my safe spot. I picked up the rolled up joints from the floor at showed them to Seonghwa who was sitting on my bed as he waited for me. "Look at those beauties!"

"Shit." He chuckled and gave me thumbs up. "Are we gonna survive all that?"

"Of course. Iron lungs." I said, beating my chest as I laughed at my own stupidity. Seonghwa covered his face as he laughed, probably embarrassed for me."I'm gonna take a shower then we go to your house, ok?"


I grabbed my clothes and went outside my room to the bathroom. I took a quick shower not to keep Seonghwa waiting for too long and got ready as fast as possible. I met him back in my room, Seonghwa still sitting in the same place, looking down at his phone.

"Let's go?" I said as I picked up a silver chain necklace and put it on to finish my look.

"You look good." Seonghwa stared. "Too bad I like Yeosang, let's go."

He got up from the bed and walked towards the door as I rushed to pick up the joints, the lighter and match Seonghwa's fast pace.

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now