// 011 [old version]

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"Huh?" I managed to let out in surprise at his proposal or more like blackmail.

"You heard me." He snapped, seeming angrier at the situation. "Jiwon's not even letting me speak to her, thanks to you."

Oh no, this wasn't looking good. And to be honest, I did see him holding hands with some girl yesterday. I don't want my sister with a cheater, regardless.

"Hell no." I crossed my arms, challenging him. "I saw you with that girl, I won't help."

"So you want me to tell everyone you're a hom-" he began defensively, mimicking my crossed arms.

I cut him off by putting a hand in his mouth and shushing him. My eyes desperately searching for his, afraid of someone from my family listening to the conversation. San definitely noticed he had the upper hand in the situation and it sucked.

"Please don't." I begged sincerely, letting my walls down. "You know how everyone will react, I can't have anyone know. I just can't."

"Fine." He sighed, more understanding than I thought he would be. "But only if you help me, those are the terms."

Oh, of course. I rolled my eyes and stepped back, gaining some safe distance physically and mentally. So he can't be trusted. I thought maybe the church boy would help me by doing the right thing but it's all about his interests in the first place.

"And seriously..." He continued, softening his look towards me as he sensed my uneasiness. "I did most definitely not cheat. The girl you saw me with... That was my sister."

"Oh." I widened my eyes a little and pouted as I took in what he said.

That piece of information did actually change the whole perspective. Even though I still wasn't a fan of Choi San, there's not much I could do if he didn't do my sister wrong.

"Yeah, oh." He scoffed, looking at me in disapproval. "I really like your sister, I wanna be a good boyfriend to her and you messed that up so fix it."

"Fair enough." I sighed in defeat. "But how do I know I can trust you to keep your mouth shut?"

"I won't say anything, I promise." He smiled in what seemed like a reassurance. "Have faith."

Ugh, of course golden boy would say that.

"Please." I sighed, joining my hands in a praying motion, hoping he would really keep his word. "If anyone finds out my life is ruined."

"Well, don't be so obvious next time then." He joked, trying to lighten the mood as we finally became at peace with each other. Kind of.

"Fuck off." I got out of my room, signaling him to follow me. "Now get out of my house, we'll talk tomorrow at school."

I heard him chuckle behind me, his footsteps finding a rhythm like my own as he trailed behind me downstairs.

Unfortunately my parents were waiting downstairs, welcoming us in the living room with frowns upon their faces.

My dad took no time to stomp his way up to me as soon as I was in his view range. My mom following as she tried to contain her fuming husband and I prepared myself to what was to come, since the regular occurrence was something I became used to.

The sound of the harsh slap to my cheek was heard echoing in the living room as my dad stood in rage in front of me and I heard San yelp in surprise. I now faced the floor to my right, face driven by the strength of my dad's palm. The left side of my face stinging as the outcome.

"I'm ashamed of having a son like you." He simply spat as he walked past me and towards his and my mom's room.

I stood grounded in shock of my father's behavior in front of San, usually he would wait until there was no one around to act like that, his and my mom's idea of painting the picture of a perfect family speaking louder. Not this time though, I guess they actually wanted to show San that they disapproved of what I did to the family dinner.

I stared at feet and wiggled my toes, unsure of what to do next. San stood like a statue, in perfect posture with his arms by his side and not moving an inch.

My mom simply sighed and walked past us, wishing a quiet 'good night' before disappearing behind her bedroom door and suddenly the house was way to quiet for comfort.

"Hey, Wooyoung-" San spoke with a soft tone, only adding to my embarrassment.

Great day for me.

"Just go." I whispered, turning around to face him and motioning to the door.

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now