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Wooyoung. On his knees. Right in front of me.

That was the sight of pure temptation, luring me in as I battled myself over what to do. It would be easier if I could simply give in, but my mind couldn't stop going back to the fact that Jiwon was right next door. My guilt eating me up the more I craved for Wooyoung's touch.

"Stop." My hand flew to Wooyoung's head, keeping him away from me. "This isn't right."

"You're a little late for that, aren't you?" Wooyoung sighed, gripping my wrist and pushing my hand away as he let his weight fall backwards to sit on the floor with a disappointed look on his face. "You already cheated."

"I know." I scoffed as I pulled my pants up. "But doing it again is even worse. Don't you feel bad for your sister?"

"No." He shrugged.

I was taken aback by his honesty, staring at him in disbelief. How could a brother not care that his sister was being cheated on? I knew I could have never stayed indifferent if that happened to Haneul, the guy would be done for.

"I mean, she's not the best sister in the world." He tried explaining. "And it's not like I want you guys to be together anyway."

"Huh." I simply let out, pretending that it what he just said made sense to me. I grabbed my jacket from the floor, adjusting my pants and heading out for the door once again. "Ok, well... bye."

If I were to get caught by Jiwon, I could make up an excuse to why I disappeared and then figure out what to do about this mess later on. But staying with Wooyoung would only bring me more trouble.

With that in my mind, I opened his bedroom door, slowly walking out as I tried to make myself unnoticeable to the group of people on Jiwon's room, getting startled by the loud cheering noises that suddenly came from inside her room.

I turned my head that direction, afraid I was caught sneaking out of Wooyoung's room, but reality hit me hard on the face as I absorbed what was going on. The small group of friends sitting in a circle with an empty bottle on the middle, whistling coming from her friends in a teasing manner as Jiwon and that same rude guy from before made out in front of everyone.


So she was cheating?

In front of everyone? Playing truth or dare? I couldn't bring myself to feel sad about the fact that she cheated, but my anger was definitely there. I scoffed in disbelief that she didn't even care to hide what she was doing even after introducing me as her boyfriend an hour ago. Was I a joke to her?

I didn't have the right to complain or be mad about it though, since I had also cheated and to a worse degree.

I rolled my eyes as the boy made advances on her and she complied, my guilt wearing off like I had actual weight lifted off my shoulders. At least we were even now.

And that's how before I knew it, my feet were already dragging me back to Wooyoung's room. I walked past his door, closing it and making sure to lock it this time.

"Oh, look who decided to show up again." Wooyoung remarked sarcastically, a rolled blunt on his hand ready to be lit. "Care to explain why you came back?"

I rolled my eyes at his annoying tone, walking directly his direction and snatching the blunt from his hand.

"Hey, hey!" He stood up and attempted to get the joint back. "Don't throw it away! Hey, Choi! I swear to god if you waste another one of my-"

He stopped mid sentence as his oh so precious weed made contact with my lips. I grabbed the lighter from a stunned Wooyoung and lit the joint up, pulling the air, in hopes the light drug would help me calm down to think about whatever it is that I had gotten myself it. Instead, I got a fit of coughing and the sweet sound of Wooyoung's uncontrollable laugh.

"Here, drink some water." He offered me a half full bottle that was sitting on his desk. "Choi San, you sure are full of surprises."

I drank the water and handed him back the joint, to which he smoked smoothly. Once my coughing stopped as I able to let out a small smile, this whole night sounding like a completely made up story to scare the person I was a week ago. 

"Wanna hit?" Wooyoung giggled, handing me the joint. "This time try not take that big of a drag. Just puff and pull some air in." 

I followed his instructions, managing to take a drag without coughing. Even though my throat felt dry, it didn't feel that bad. I repeated the process a couple more times, beginning to feel lighter and more relaxed.

"I think you're stoned, my friend." Wooyoung laughed, snatching the joint from my hand and smoking, while I was trying to get used to the weird sensation taking over my body, my head feeling heavier and my limbs responding slower to my commands. "So, what's your verdict? Not that bad, right?"

"This is..." I took my time choosing the right word to say. "It's fine, I guess."

"Have some more." Wooyoung offered with the prettiest smile I have ever seen him wearing. Under the moonlight shining through his opened window, he looked ethereal. "San?"

"Oh, sure. I mean, ok." I stumbled the words, certain that my cheeks had turned at least two shades of red. I puffed on the joint, not having any trouble this time also. This was actually not that bad as people made it out to be, instead of feeling like I was dying, I felt at ease.

We stood by his window smoking the blunt until it was over. Laughing at each other and talking nonsense, creating theories about the stars that we were able to see through his window. That was until I had a thought cross my mind.

"Say Wooyoung, do you wanna find out what having sex while high feels like?"

My girlfriend's brother | woosan [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now